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Level 1 New Miner

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    12/31/2017 12:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    vagrantneko's Avatar
    Name: Reina Hartwell

    Title: N/A

    Nicknames: N/A

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Race: Half Elf

    Strengths & Weakness:

    -Skilled with an axe for both everyday working use and for offense/defense if necessary.

    -Has decent survival skills from all the time she spent in the woodlands when she was young.

    -Is a horrible navigator outside of the woods.

    -Tries to kill animals only if it’s necessary.

    Appearance: Reina is average height with fair skin and long auburn hair that's blonde at the tips.

    Skin: Reina's skin


    History: Reina grew up on the fringes of a town that bordered dense woodlands. Naturally as a child she spent a lot of time wandering into the forest against her parents wishes. At one point they gave up on trying to tell her to stay out of it gave her an axe should she ever find herself in trouble. As she grew she became quite skilled at navigating the woodlands and made a small living for herself, by retrieving ingredients and materials that the town’s folk needed.

    RP Example: [insert name here] strode through the shade of the trees. The smell of lightly dampened earth brought a small smile to face even as she tried to find some prey. Her stores of meat were running low, and as much as she’d rather not hunt, she needed it for the winter. She dropped into a crouch as she approached a clearing full of deer and reached for the her bow and quiver. She would try and make this as quick as possible for both of their sakes.

    Define Meta-Gaming: Using whatever’s the strongest at any given time regardless of your/your character’s actual preferences.

    Define Power-Gaming: Abusing systems to get to the point of being overpowered or end game strong as quickly as possible.

    How would your character deal with the following: (Not necessarily in Minecraft)

    Someone walks up to you and threatens to steal from you: She would just look at them and pat the axe that she always keeps on her.

    Someone requests that you help them get back to a nearby villiage: If there was a route through the woods to it she would gladly guide them there herself, otherwise she’d try to help them find someone who could help them.

    Your Character finds themselves alone and surrounded by vicious wolves: She’d rely on her knowledge of her immediate surroundings and axe to try and get out safely, preferably without killing the wolves.

    Personal Info:

    Age: 23

    Past Experience: I used to be a regular roleplayer on the Gaia forums and in the chatrooms of MSPARP, usually favoring high school and college settings with at least some level of supernatural things occuring. I have also done generic fantasy, sci-fi, and a few other genres.

    Minecraft Account: vagrantneko


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