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    03/23/2014 6:45 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    This is the problem that I'm getting while trying to flag a Resource Pack.

    I use Chrome as default browser and I tried with Firefox and still happens the same thing. I happen to ask a friend of mine to see if he was having the same issue and he confirms that he is and he also added that the code is broken.

    Just FYI the Resource Pack in that Screenshot is a full repost of the official continuation of Ovo's RusticPack: Redemption.(link below)
    02/01/2014 3:51 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    The new command system is the following one:

    /give <playername> minecraft:<blockname> amount metadata

    /give rob minecraft:dirt 1 2

    Given [Podzol] * 1 to rob
    10/28/2013 6:10 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    You're not an idiot! It happens and people tend to freak out when things like this happen.

    However I've only been reading posts on the Mojang Bug Tracker and all the issues regarding Minecraft not working with Win8 revolve around Drivers.

    Maybe hop there and try to find the path on how to make it work. I own Win7 and I have no clue how Win8 works nor I want to after all the bad reviews I've read about it.

    I'll try to help you in finding a link to a possible fix


    Check the answer given by Greg Richardson I hope it helps!
    10/28/2013 5:19 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    The drivers that come with Win8 are not compatible with Minecraft.

    If you have the possibility to retrieve this to the previous versions, it will fix your problem since most people who are having this issue is drivers related.
    10/28/2013 4:08 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    Once you have the computer you can run this on your computer to check if your machine will run what you want

    In this link you just need to type what you want to know if it runs in your machine, hit the "can you run it" button and see the results.
    10/28/2013 4:00 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
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    LegendarypvperBrianI get windows + 175 Euro from my mom
    And i have my tv screen and thats highend big

    It's not about money, screens nor your Operative System but the specs of your computer like, graphics card, processor, Ram etc.

    The machine you mentioned in the first post is more than capable of running Minecraft. Don't worry about it.
    10/28/2013 3:50 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
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    SnowyfoxUnless he also wants to play games that are tougher than Minecraft in terms of specs. Then he probably should get a new comp.

    And by tougher, I mean way tougher, not 10-FPS-lower-than-Minecraft tougher.

    If he's limited to 350€ we can presume he wont be able to buy another computer . For a desktop that cheap he has good specs.
    10/28/2013 3:33 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
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    I can't play MC without Optifine either and I know I have a good laptop. I don't own a desktop so I can't actually ask for a beast of a machine from a laptop.

    About FPS, the max FPS that a game renders is 60 FPS, the rest is basically a lie. If your game tells you that you have above 60 FPS your computer is "lieing" to you and you will indeed be running with 60FPS only. Yes it makes it seem that the game runs smoother and what not but, remember, the max that a computer, any computer, can render is 60FPS.

    If you run with 30FPS (a TV standard FPS rate) you will be fine since the human eye can only start seeing animated frames below 10 FPS, and this, gives you the effect of lag because you can see the animation frame by frame.

    You're just fine with what you have. Go play and enjoy the game!
    10/28/2013 2:38 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    @DanceDanceTurk If you have the possibility, I would recommend you to retrieve your OS to Windows 7.

    Right now Windows 8 is full of issues, like I said before, and many people are complaining in the mojang bug tracker about their Minecraft not working as well.

    Win8 was recently released and I would give it a year or so, so the developers from Microsoft can fix everything that is going wrong in this update, and then I would upgrade to Win8. However, following the legacy of Windows, the next stable version might be the one after Win8.

    Again, if you have the possibility to, retrieve your OS to Windows7 and you wont have any issues playing Minecraft.
    10/28/2013 2:16 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    Your problem is your Operative System (windows 8.1).

    Windows 8 is known for causing a lot of issues lately and a lot of people are not only having issues with Minecraft but, for example, with Skype as well.

    This is a known problem that is being fixed already, however there's no estimated time arrival when the fix is going to be released.

    If you have another machine where you can play on, using Windows 7, then move to that machine. It's the best solution I can give you.

    Again, The new Windows 8 is full of issues, like previous OS versions like Vista, ME and a few others.
    10/28/2013 1:59 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    Edit: Thank you to the person above me for being less lazy and including a link.

    You're welcome
    10/28/2013 1:43 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    I presume you have Windows, so I'll try to give you a little bit of help. Go to the link you see below and download both versions of Java on the top for Windows (32 bit and 64bit).

    If you're using a Mac you can also see the download links there for Mac as well..

    Simply download it and once downloaded, double click them (one at a time derp) and install both versions. Simple as that.

    Try again opening the game and give me feedback
    10/28/2013 1:21 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Artist
    Valsis's Avatar
    Like Bbaronx said, it looks like you need to update your Java.

    Make sure you update both 32 and 64 bit versions of Java.

    Make sure you also have enough allocated memory installed as well, at least 2Gb of ram so your game runs smooth and with no bumps even with a texture pack installed.

    If you happen to have a corrupt .jar file, like Bbaron mentioned, make sure you move your world saves to, for example, your desktop along with resource packs and servers info that you might have, and then, delete your .minecraft folder and re-open your launcher. This action will automatically generate a brand new .minecraft folder without any problems.

    I wish you good luck!

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