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    05/19/2016 11:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    Age- 12

    Country- 'Merica

    IGN- Hiyukki

    Skype? fawkesie

    How much can you play? just for a few hours- hah no, alO T

    Are you willing to build and mine for literal hours? ye S
    05/17/2016 12:15 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    1. Hiyukki
    2. 11 turning 12/From everyone, they say I'm a 9 xD
    3. To help create the server and make it success. Including when I think it's gonna be very fun!
    4. I do have proof but I am on phone... sooo... pretty much I'm a helper on a developing server.
    5. Maybe. I don't know. Cause I am starting to do comissions soon and I might be able to donate.
    6. None
    7. Pst time. (Arizona, Cali, Nevada, Canada)
    8. I was Nepta, to Salemn, to Fawkesie, to Oblisity, and finally to Hiyukki (oh god)
    9. Either Helper, Mod, and/or ADMIN
    10. Nope
    11. ~~
    04/28/2016 2:27 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    Once we join the server, do we receive the applications?
    04/28/2016 2:25 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    1. Moderator

    2. This is important to me because I also want to make the server a better server and make it safe as possible and make it to success.

    3. I am currently a helper on a developing server and I am applying for co-owner on another server but I haven't received a message about it.

    4. 11 turning 12 this September

    5. I am pretty good at minecraft and such. I can sorta build, just not that good! I can do details though! I can even make art although I am not really applying for artist.

    6. Hiyukki

    7. I have plenty of time, pretty much all my homework and assignments are done immediately once I get home from school.

    8. You can trust me being on the server cause I can handle doing tasks at once and having bigger responsibilities and make it a better place to be and allow everyone to feel comfortable around me.

    9. Feel free to contact me on skype, it's Fawkesie
    04/28/2016 2:17 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar

    Age: 11 turning 12 soon
    Timezone: Pacific Time (Nevada/Arizona/Cali time I think)
    Country: U.S
    Experience with the plugins: getting to know plugins and such. Just getting to know the basics.
    Skype: fawkesie
    Rate yourself on 1-10 on how good of a builder you are: about... a 7.5 I don't have any pictures or videos of my builds, but I am very detailed.
    04/16/2016 3:36 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    how do we apply? I don't see any links on the server..
    04/16/2016 3:27 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    1. Do you meet the given requirements above? Sorta, I am just 11, although I AM TURNING 12 IN SEPTEMBER 13 WHOO ;-;

    2. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with teams? I work really well. I love collaborating and working with people ^-^

    3. On a scale of 1-10, how mature are you? I may seem immature at times, but I am pretty much 8.5 mature

    4. Minecraft Name: HIyukki

    5. Nickname: Just call me Ariel, my real name, otherwise, call me Mochi

    6. Skype: (can be sent via PM) Fawkesie

    7. Why do you want to be apart of the team? I thought I could make a server be successful and make it sorta famous, not that famous like mineplex ;-;
    But make it awesome and amazing. Including when I see some servers shut off. I don't want this server to shut off, I bet it would be a great server to work with and to be with! :3

    8. How do you plan on helping the server? I plan to help anyone if needed while in development mode or any mode before the server goes actual public. Meaning when its done doing the maps, the developments and such. Meanwhile, once its public, I will make it a child-friendly server and it make it good as it can be.

    9. Do you have any administrative skills? (Not required) Well, I am a helper on this one server.

    10. Have you ever worked on a server? Yes, the server is although right now its in development mode.

    11. If so, list your past experiences: So far, I am helper xD

    12. Do you have other skills? I can build, just not THAT good..

    13. Tell me something about you: I am a japanese cartoon artist, a beginner cosplay, and pretty much it xD

    14. Tell me a joke:

    Where did the toad meet a pretty girl?
    In Biology Class


    What would you call if you cross a snowman and a vampire?
    A frost bite ;3
    04/16/2016 3:17 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    IGN: Hiyukki

    Age: 11 turning 12 september 13

    Role Desired: Head Admin/Admin/Head Mod/Mod/Helper

    Qualifications for the Role:
    I have been experienced Helper, Admin, and Mod on 3 servers, I am currently a Helper on a server, although my Admin and Mod titles are gone cause the two servers we shut down.

    Are you currently a staff with other server: yes, a helper on (currently in devlopment mode)

    Why do you want to Join our team: This time, I want to show the world whats the best of me and what a great server it would be. I can make the server successful and make it star-shooting to the top. I want it to be the server that could be fun, and successful to other players. I want to join your server cause it would be fun too. Including when I don't want to see a server going down.

    Do you have Skype: yes, my skype is Fawkesie if you like to contact me soon <3
    04/16/2016 3:09 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    *IGN: Hyukki

    *Age 11 turning 12

    *EXP as staff? I am currently a Helper at this one server, (its in devlopment mode). I used to be an Admin in one server, but that server was shutted down, including when I was a mod on another server. That one shutted down too xD

    *What position you want to be and why? I want to be in Mod and/or Admin (I think the Admins are taken from above...) I think I can be good enough to be Mod/Admin cause I have experienced being a Mod and sorta an Admin in the past. I know how to guide players and make new friendships and relationships with players. Basically me being a friendly Mod/Admin and guiding through the server if they're new or don't understand.

    *Why you think you are the best fit.
    Sure I started playing minecraft September 18, 2015 but I gained many experiences throughout my journey in minecraft. I know how to use commands and since I have this big thing I always have, whenever I have a big responsibility I have to do, I do it always and take care of it. I always make it a big deal, so I think I am good for this job as an Admin/Mod. I won't let you down.

    Anything you want to say about yourself.
    Sure I am pretty much the youngest... and forever the youngest, but I think I am good enough for this, I can handle many things. So please consider it..
    04/13/2016 2:56 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Varielles's Avatar
    IGN: Hiyukki
    Age: (rip, I'll be the youngest) 11 turning 12
    Skype (required): fawkesie
    Skype references:

    How do you plan helping?:
    It would be great if I could become helper (if there is any role of that, cause I've what I heard) besides, I would love to guide and help players and be in the community and be there for them if they ever need me.

    Why do you want to join?:
    It's seems pretty fun and interesting. Sure I've never been a helper or a administration or whatever, but I think it would be a great expierence for me. Since I sort of have anger issues, I think it might be helpful for me to relax and help all of you.

    What are you good at?: sure I am not gonna be an artist on this server, but I am pretty good at art. But only anime art, hehe.. I'm not that good at coding, reason why I am not a dev xD
    And pretty much it for me, I am just good at drawing it seems xD

    If you have been banned from a server, tell us (does not affect your chances)
    No, but I have been muted 5 times on a server

    What made you join?
    I thought they were in need for members, like a helping hand. So I took a chance and decided to take part of this opportunity and maybe actually interact with new people and try new things I never tried before.

    You're driving down the road in your car on a wild stormy night. The weather is like a hurricane, with heavy rains, high winds, and lighting flashing constantly. While driving, you partially-covered bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:

    -An old woman who looks like she's about to die
    -An old friend that once saved your life
    -The perfect partner you have been dreaming about (your "soulmate")
    Knowing that you only have room for one passenger in your car (it's a really small car), which one would you choose to offer a ride? And why?

    What servers have you played on? (3 examples):
    Edawg878 creative server
    Hypixel (I go on there a lot)

    (It seems like I am copying the person who just joined.. >~<) I would choose an old friend that once saved your life. A life for a life you know? It's giving the person their repay for what they did to you and you are doing it back, but in a different situation. I wouldn't choose the perfect partner or the old lady because the perfect partner would be pretty much selfish of taking your partner as your own. And the old lady, I just really hope she called 911 or even the partner would call for 911.

    Okay, so I know this isn't part of the application, but hopefully I could become helper (if there is an application for helper, cause I see it above me...) well, thanks for your time and my time. (I can tell it won't be me (and no I'm not negativity'ing myself, I am stating my own opinion of what I think... ehrh, so don't think I'm begging >~<) cause pretty much I think I'm under age and I am not suitable for this task )

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