Vedrin's Avatar
Level 12
Journeyman Ranger

Forum Posts

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    12/11/2011 7:13 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
    Vedrin's Avatar
    ya sure can you post it up on the skins section
    12/11/2011 6:31 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
    Vedrin's Avatar
    Im sure youve head of world of warcraft, so i want you to make tier 10 paladin. and if you dont know what that is type tier 10 paladin in google search
    09/12/2011 7:30 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
    Vedrin's Avatar
    *Age? 14
    *what experience do you have? I'm an admin on a server and a co-owner on another server.
    would you be able to donate 5 dollars a month? (until we get donators) nope.
    *Minecraft name: xXTsunamiXx
    *Anything i should add you on?: just add me on skype if you choose me to be one of your satff
    08/27/2011 11:32 pm
    Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
    Vedrin's Avatar
    Minecraft name: xXTsunamiXx
    When did you start playing?: alpha
    Best minecraft skill: i can build pretty much about anything you need to build. whatever is needing to be built ill build it.
    When can you be on?: i can play almost every minute of the day.
    08/15/2011 2:11 am
    Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
    Vedrin's Avatar
    Age:14 very mature and intelligent

    How long have you been playing?: since alpha

    Why should i let you in?: I really like RPG based things and to be apart of a RPG minecraft servers creation would be great. And i like to build and i got plenty of ideas.

    Can you handle tough criticisim?: Yes i am always open to other peoples ideas. if you want something you thought of in something im build ill try to incorperate it into my creation or a more then 1 person creation thats being made.

    Do you have a sense of humor?: Why yes, yes i do. Comedy is one of my favorite genres.

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