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Level 4
Apprentice Explorer

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    10/28/2012 6:03 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    10/27/2012 10:51 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    gliches trough blocks at rendom time going off corners and 1 block ledgees
    10/26/2012 8:26 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    How old are you?12
    How good of a builder are you?!0/!0
    How old are you?12 ummmm.......... you asked that already
    What is your Skype name?tell me yours i dant want random requests
    What is your favorite block? redstone ore
    Are you good with redstone? im a mini etho
    Do you have Hamachi? yes
    10/26/2012 8:06 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    Oh my IGN is vised
    10/26/2012 8:05 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    HI i would like to apply to the server is the server 1.4 yet or no because i updated and dont fell like dleting some files to get to 1.3 my name : ill tell you if i get accepted
    age: i am 15 but if you heard me on skype youll say im like 11 ( cause i have a retarded mic) Me and my freind were youtubers then I moved we lost touch and the chnnel was taken down for inactivity.
    recording: I ll try to Record but it depends on my frames rate if it is under 30 most of the tyime i wont if it is i will ( I only do that for video quality i have a youtube channel have not made any vids though. And f you naeed any thing with redtone telll me and i would loveit to be vanilla but until we trust alot of ppl on the server can we have the lockette plugin for saftey of our chests and stuff.
    10/17/2012 3:45 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    I will apply as writer i have skype ,and i am graduated from high school at the top of my class my mic ic really glitchy so I'll sound like i am 10 or be cuting in or out. No, i am not a nerd that lives with his mom, i was actuall the quarter back of my highschool football team so I'm not a nerd.
    10/17/2012 3:37 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    Skype name,I would rather you tell me yours because i am not to quite sure how to spell mine Age,12 NameJust call me vised Building skills 9/10, Redstone skills (11/10), If you can record or not no i cant record but i can connect to hamachi,i noticed no one said they did or not so i did) i am mature but my freinds will explian me as the life of the partae!1!1!!!
    10/03/2012 6:46 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    age: 12
    position: R E D S T O N E R
    skype(yes/no) and the name if any:yes my name is long and i am not us9ing the comp that has so ill tell u klater if you accept me
    your building style:i build with compact and simple so if someone breaks something and i am not on they can fix it and ill check it over
    can you host even if its hamachi: i can not host but i do have hamachi if needed my freind might let us use her server but she will wanna be in

    a little about you:i am a caring mature funny person that is a nerd but like a cool nerd if you know what i mean like i am really smart but i am part of rhe popular crowd

    any other comments/questionsno questions
    10/03/2012 6:36 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    i wanto start a youtube channel. if you wanne help plz put some things down bellow

    - Skype or/and Steam haucxallthatparkour i have steam but i forgett my username as i am on vaca right now

    - Age (minimum 13) i am 12 but i will be 13 in the end of oct

    - Language (mother/others)english fluently and french i can start a conversation and end it but i cant do the middle part of a converstation

    - Why you want to join i can advetise thje channel alot as i have youtube my self but i dont have vids i have planet minecraft i can download mods but i choose not to andni would like to experince the youtube fame

    - IGN (minecraft) vised

    - Timezonei forget what its called but i am a hour before muontain time

    - What am I well(good is a grammar mistake ) at? editing, recording etc:redstone and making stuuf on the spo i am avialble at least 5 times a week and i am on all dayish if so
    09/30/2012 3:55 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    I puched a tree !!!!!!!!!!!!
    09/26/2012 6:00 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    Ill help i have skype with a mic so we canm talk and stuff i am pretty good at redstone i played just before the begin of 1.3 but many of my freinds that played since alpha say i am a better player than them at most thuings i am also 12 i have youtube but i havent posted any vids Y E T
    my ign is vised
    09/23/2012 2:30 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    I can be a redstoner but i might need to add or take stuff apart of the build that i can cover up easy i am canadian so i can do signs if there are any i can also speak and write some french if it helps
    09/23/2012 2:25 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    First Name: just call me vised
    Mincecraft Username: vised
    Any experience? I played many adventure maps and feel like doing the same yo did
    Why should i pick you over the billions of other applicants?I am canadian so my english is very well. and i am a great redstoner
    Do you like turtles? Who doesn`t??
    Where do you live? Canada
    Can you host a server for us all to go crazy on? Maybe depends if my freind lets me use his server

    Thanks to all you wonderful bros, stay classysexylexy
    Level 1
    New Miner
    Private message Posts: 38
    Joined: 7/11/12
    09/22/2012 10:38 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    In game name:vised
    Age: 12
    Do you hate kids younger then you? (Y/N)yes iif they are imature
    Why do you want to join: i seen no one ask to be a advanced redstoner i am avialible almost evryday i have made a mini walls just redstone not done the rest of the PvP area yet so i like hypixel and am atempting to make a clock not like the one he made like the one you craft with gold it inclodes moving pixel artnd redstone
    09/22/2012 10:23 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    i have skype a face cam with mic so think about it i am 12
    09/22/2012 10:22 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    sweet i am great at redstone i has youtube you guys can use or send vids to me so i can post
    09/21/2012 8:10 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    i am avilible almost every day
    09/21/2012 8:08 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    ign: vised
    age (12-18): 13
    gender: male
    do you like to have fun: all hall yaw
    can you record video and audio: yes but it will destroy my fps
    what minecraft skills do you have: redstone and navigation
    do you have a skype (you need one): yes
    anything else that might catch my interest:
    i made a mini walls with my friend i did redstone
    09/21/2012 8:06 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    vised123's Avatar
    Skype haucxallthatparkour
    Name Teigen
    IGN vised
    Some of you'r work i did a mini walls for my server server its closed
    Are you awesome an awesome builder yes i cand do a redtone smiley face pxle art
    position (if you want more than one) redstoner and/ or actor
    Do you want to join the team YES !!!!

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