VW778's Avatar
Level 1
New Crafter

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    04/21/2014 2:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    cumin guys hurry uppp we want a drop party!!!!!
    02/16/2014 4:21 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    what is the minecraft version?
    02/10/2014 12:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Not Online?
    02/10/2014 12:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Can i be admin? I love helping servers in need and i will help with whatever!
    02/02/2014 12:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    come on guys we need the players!
    01/26/2014 11:30 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Age: 14

    Time Zone: Central

    Skype: daisywiggs

    Do you have experience as an Administrator?: Yes i have about 6 Servers but they all closed due to complications in donations.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?: About 3 years

    What does "Being a Admin" mean: Being an admin means helping people create the best possible world/house/town... and stopping those who decide they want to ruin the fun for other people. It also means listening to peoples ideas and trying to include them in all sorts of builds/conversations. Being an admin isn't all about the Power and mod cons, It's All about making the server the best possible fun there is.

    What is your definition of a "Good Admin": My definition of a good admin is someone who doesn't take advantage of their position, they help people, they build anything they are asked to and they definitely never cuss or say offensive things in chat.

    What would you consider to be your biggest asset?: My biggest asset is the fact that i will help anyone who needs that help and i always listen to new-comers or even senior members and I use those ideas to make a great new server.

    What is your biggest weakness?: My biggest weakness is that my mum will sometimes force me off the computer so i may just disappear from chat. This rarely happens and if it does i can always get back on later.

    What can you offer to Your Server?: I can offer the best help i can give and i will be a very friendly member of your staff team. I help i listen and i always finnish what i start.

    Yours Faithfully

    01/22/2014 12:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Age: 14

    IGN: daisy67123

    Time Zone: Central

    Skype: daisywiggs

    Do you have experience as an Administrator?: Yes i have about 6 Servers but they all closed due to complications in donations.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?: About 3 years

    What does "Being a Admin" mean: Being an admin means helping people create the best possible world/house/town... and stopping those who decide they want to ruin the fun for other people. It also means listening to peoples ideas and trying to include them in all sorts of builds/conversations. Being an admin isn't all about the Power and mod cons, It's All about making the server the best possible fun there is.

    What is your definition of a "Good Admin": My definition of a good admin is someone who doesn't take advantage of their position, they help people, they build anything they are asked to and they definitely never cuss or say offensive things in chat.

    What would you consider to be your biggest asset?: My biggest asset is the fact that i will help anyone who needs that help and i always listen to new-comers or even senior members and I use those ideas to make a great new server.

    What is your biggest weakness?: My biggest weakness is that my mum will sometimes force me off the computer so i may just disappear from chat. This rarely happens and if it does i can always get back on later.

    What can you offer to Your Server?: I can offer the best help i can give and i will be a very friendly member of your staff team. I help i listen and i always finnish what i start.


    12/04/2013 12:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    don' t worry can't join
    12/04/2013 12:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Age: 14

    IGN: daisy67123

    Time Zone: Central

    Skype: daisywiggs

    Do you have experience as an Administrator?: Yes i have about 6 Servers but they all closed due to complications in donations.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?: About 3 years

    What does "Being a Admin" mean: Being an admin means helping people create the best possible world/house/town... and stopping those who decide they want to ruin the fun for other people. It also means listening to peoples ideas and trying to include them in all sorts of builds/conversations. Being an admin isn't all about the Power and mod cons, It's All about making the server the best possible fun there is.

    What is your definition of a "Good Admin": My definition of a good admin is someone who doesn't take advantage of their position, they help people, they build anything they are asked to and they definitely never cuss or say offensive things in chat.

    What would you consider to be your biggest asset?: My biggest asset is the fact that i will help anyone who needs that help and i always listen to new-comers or even senior members and I use those ideas to make a great new server.

    What can you offer to Your Server?: I can offer the best help i can give and i will be a very friendly member of your staff team. I help i listen and i always finnish what i start.


    11/03/2013 9:18 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Applying for Head Admin
    IGN: daisy67123
    You must be nice: I am lovely!
    You can build: Have helped build spawns on servers and lots of civilizations on lots
    Has good ideas Often: Very creative doing an art GCSE
    Has Skype: daisywiggs
    Shows resect to everyone she meets: i help all the time and listen to everyones ideas!
    Can be trusted: yep u can trust me!
    10/24/2013 1:41 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    When you come on say Apple then i know you are from planet minecraft and i will op you
    10/24/2013 1:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    just realized you are gonna need an IP!!!!! lol here you go:
    10/24/2013 6:31 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    10/23/2013 11:59 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Age: 14

    IGN: daisy67123

    Time Zone: Central

    Skype: daisywiggs

    Do you have experience as an Administrator?: Yes i have about 6 Servers but they all closed due to complications in donations.

    How long have you been playing Minecraft for?: About 3 years

    What does "Being a Admin" mean: Being an admin means helping people create the best possible world/house/town... and stopping those who decide they want to ruin the fun for other people. It also means listening to peoples ideas and trying to include them in all sorts of builds/conversations. Being an admin isn't all about the Power and mod cons, It's All about making the server the best possible fun there is.

    What is your definition of a "Good Admin": My definition of a good admin is someone who doesn't take advantage of their position, they help people, they build anything they are asked to and they definitely never cuss or say offensive things in chat.

    What would you consider to be your biggest asset?: My biggest asset is the fact that i will help anyone who needs that help and i always listen to new-comers or even senior members and I use those ideas to make a great new server.

    What is your biggest weakness?: My biggest weakness is that my mum will sometimes force me off the computer so i may just disappear from chat. This rarely happens and if it does i can always get back on later.

    What can you offer to Your Server?: I can offer the best help i can give and i will be a very friendly member of your staff team. I help i listen and i always finnish what i start.


    10/23/2013 10:12 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    what is the ip?
    10/23/2013 10:09 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    1. In game name: daisy67123

    2. What tournaments will you be involved in: Spleef And Survival Games

    3. Do you have any suggestions for the BMCarnival: You should have a whole Horse Racing Tournament! If there is one i would like to compete!
    10/23/2013 8:20 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Age: 14

    Skype: daisy.wiggo

    Maturity 1/10: 10

    Timezone: Central

    How many hours can you play a day?: 4 to 6 hours longer on weekends

    Grammar Skills 1/10: 10

    Building skills 1/10: 10

    Picture of your best build.Also don't fake it: minecraft is easier because i am rubbish with the links!
    Why should i pick you?: you should pick me because i have amazing building skills and i have played minecraft for 3 years now i know all the items and redstone so i can make you amazing structures. i am also great with new-comers and i help them get their minecraft lives on track
    10/23/2013 7:03 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    VW778's Avatar
    Age: 14

    Desired Position: Admin

    IGN: daisy67123

    Experience: I have been admin on 6 servers and mod / trusted on loads

    Why do you want to be part of our staff team?: i would love to be part of your staff team because i love helping servers and i love being part of an online community!

    Why should we pick you? I am great at using players ideas to make the server great and I always listen to the Owner of the server. I love helping servers and i play on minecraft for 1 - 8 hours a day. I would never cuss in chat because it is very immature and i would not respect someone who does. I always use correct grammar in chat.

    Can you be trusted? I can definitely be trusted i have never been banned on server you can check McBans. I have never abuse my powers and i am very good at listening to the server owner.

    Maturity 1/10: 9 i like to have a laugh at appropriate times.


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