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Level 10 Journeyman Miner

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    01/07/2013 6:08 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar

    Left 4 Dead meets Minecraft. :O
    01/06/2013 9:05 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    What sort of settings do you want to use with Fraps? Or should we consult that with the video editors?
    01/06/2013 9:35 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    I just had an awesome idea while on the toilet, like how all great ideas are conjured up.


    Does that sound too crazy and farfetched? Then you're crazy and farfetched. Every episode would pit two or more teams against each other to find and create the secret ingredient-- and then, to masterfully piece them all together to form a beautiful, world-class structure. Typically the secret ingredient would be something fairly reasonable to obtain, such as: Wood, dirt, clay, cobblestone, crafting tables, iron, leaves, and et cetera. More 'rare' items could be set aside for later episodes, items such as: Gold, diamonds, obsidian, lava, lapis, redstone, anything from the Nether, Ender Chests, and et cetera. There will be a time limit set for each team and it is up to them to determine how they use their time-- they run the risk of spending too much time gathering material or spending too little time gathering material and making mad rushes back and forth.

    The Announcer - AKA The Chairman - will get to say, "Today's secret ingredient is... (Enter name of secret ingredient)!" and "I say unto you the words of someone great... LEEEEET'S PLAAAAY!"

    Alton Brown - AKA... Uh, Alton Brown- will be me, the Tutorial Let's Player. Since it's my job to explain how things work, then it would make sense that I do a play-by-play commentary, similar to one that Alton Brown does in the Iron Chef America series.

    Other stuff...

    The comedy group could be released after the first fifteen minutes. They can do whatever they want -- steal, kill, et cetera -- to the other players. The playing teams must defend their items from them and are allowed to fight back.
    01/05/2013 2:31 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    The server is version 1.3, by the way.
    01/05/2013 1:56 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    I said plane crash and anime.

    1) Plane crash would mean you've crash landed (potentially) on some uninhabited lands, such as an island, so you'd have a pseudo-Lost scenario going on. Collect material, forage, and survive.

    2) Anime in the sense that there would be grand buildings and random fights. I dunno. You can build a gigantic school building and random students can be carrying around enchanted weapons or something.
    01/04/2013 8:05 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    There are still members who want you to compile a Skype-list and probably a Skype convo for everybody involved. You should get around to doing that soon.
    12/30/2012 11:30 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    I guess the key is to be patient, but, yeah, I can see why you're asking. He's been responding more to the group's questions than the entries. I guess you should wait a little longer and, if you haven't heard back, just shoot him a message to remind him that there are still people who want to enter the group.

    Would you like us to use webcams? I just got one and I want to give it a go.

    Also, there should be rules to making a group name...
    1) Catchy and memorable.
    2) Short and concise.
    3) Unique and easy to remember.

    So, names like Flaming Blue Flamingos, The Maniacal Masters of Making a Multitude of Minecraft Multimedia MMD, and FlabbergastInc are bad examples of group names. The name should pertain to what we're doing, but should avoid using words like 'Studio' and 'Production.' We can use them as soon as we start using a studio or are part of an actual production.

    We can be... The Minecraftians (Too generic), the Flint & Steel Crew (Sort of doesn't explain what we do), Minecraft Let's Play Crew Number 12345 (I'unno, it might work).
    12/30/2012 8:01 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    One of our first videos should just be a massive walkthrough video of who we all are. Let's introduce who everybody is: What do they like, what they do in their spare time, when they least suspect to be stalked, etc. If they have a webcam, they're free to use it, but they can always record some Minecraft, instead.

    Are we going to share a YouTube account? Or are the video editors going to be the only ones capable of accessing the account, assuming anybody can access the account.

    Also, could you make a list of the Skypes of everybody who has been accepted and then categorize them according to their team. I would be slimeblob under the Neutral Team, for instance.

    Would the Neutral Team coordinate each other or are we all playing something different? For instance, the Tutorial Let's Player never actually speaks with the Creative Let's Player. Would that ever occur?
    12/19/2012 11:47 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    Let's Play Team 1 (Neutral Mobs) Application:
    IGN: Toppy_Toplan
    Age: 19
    Skype: slimeblob
    Your personality: Quiet, intelligent, and focused.
    Can You Record/Got good Mic: Yes, Blue Snowflake Microphone.
    Can You be trusted?: Yes.
    Job: Tutorial Let's Player.
    Your Skin From Group Selection: I would prefer to stay with my self-made Dwarf-Bear skin.
    Colour of tie: Red
    12/15/2012 1:39 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    Out of curiosity, is it a requirement to change skins? I have one that I made myself, but I'm not quite willing to part from it to join this rather intriguing project...
    12/15/2012 1:28 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    IGN (in game name): Toppy_Toplan
    First name: Eric
    Age: 19
    Skype name (mandatory): slimeblob
    Position: Miner
    Good faction server ip(must be 50+ people only at all times): play.melonmc.com (Well, I don't know any good ones, but I did just check the most popular Faction servers through Planetminecraft. o_o)
    Faction name: Yellow
    10/28/2012 10:52 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    I've got some rules to the game, if you haven't made some already. I'm imagining this to be more of a board game than a competitive, complex card game like Duel Monsters, Magic the Gathering, and etc. The simpler the better, right?

    1) Beginning the game:
    The Minecraft card game can be played with up to eight players, with a minimum to two people. The game begins with a player forming his or her own team; for instance "Team Toppy." Each team selects one 'Hero' card, i.e Miner Steve, Warrior Steve, Archer Steve because that will dictate the overall abilities, armors, and weapons the team will be allowed to use throughout the course of the game. The goal of the game is to mine, survive, and make it to the end of the default twenty turns.

    2) Heroes:

    Miner Steve (Action Points 3): You may mine up to three times a turn (You decide which point to begin digging and how far) but be weary of lava because there is a lot of it. You may smelt any ore you come across into ingots as a free action, but you cannot craft them into weapon or armor. You can only begin receiving ore once you've got down four spaces. To receive ore, draw from the basic ore deck. When you've gone down past four spaces, you may begin to draw from the advanced ore deck. From the fifth to sixth level, you may draw 1 from basic or advanced ore deck. From the seventh to the eighth level, you may draw 2 from the basic ore deck or 1 from the advanced ore deck. From the ninth to the tenth level, you may draw 3 from the basic or two from the advanced ore deck. As a drawback, you have a higher chance of encountering monsters. You are also not allowed to gather material or craft advanced items. Every time you use an action point to mine, draw a card from the basic monster deck. If you draw a monster, you must fight it. If you don't draw a monster, then you got lucky.

    Warrior Steve (AP 3): You may craft up to three items a turn using your extensive knowledge of crafting and crafting tables. You're so strong, you can just carry all of that stuff around everywhere. Every time you craft an item, you must roll a die. For leather armor and wooden gear, you must roll a three or higher ( 66%). For iron and gold, you must roll the die twice and the result must be four, seven or eleven (31%). For diamond gear, you must roll the die twice and the result must be ten or higher (8%). For every successful craft, you receive a Bonus Token, which allows you to add a bonus '+1" to the result of your next die roll(s), stackable. You are not allowed to gather material or mine. Every time you use an action point to craft, draw a card from the basic monster deck. If you draw a monster, you must fight it. If you don't draw a monster, then you got lucky.

    Archer Steve (AP 3): You may gather material three items a turn using your extensive knowledge of surviving out in the wilderness; you know what and what not to eat or touch. Every time you gather material, go through the material deck (which contains: Wood blocks, sticks of x2, red flowers, bones, arrows, bowls and etc.). You may only keep up to six individual cards, with up to four duplicates of any cards. You can spend an action point to roll a die to repair a structure, weapon, or armor. If you are repairing wood or leather, you must roll one die and roll a three or higher (66%). If you are repairing iron or golden gear, you must roll two die and roll a four, seven, or eleven (31%). If you are repairing diamond gear, you must roll two die and roll a ten or higher (8%). You can spend an action point to use build-able, material cards, such as Wooden Planks of 4, to build a structure to hide in. A successful structure has a 16-block perimeter, but not all successful structures are restricted to this basic design. You are not allowed to craft advanced items or mine. Every time you use an action point to craft, draw a card from the basic monster deck. If you draw a monster, you must fight it. If you don't draw a monster, then you got lucky.

    3) Game turns:

    After deciding the order of the turns, the players begin anywhere on the game-map. Some areas are sandy, other are infested with tree, and others are just plain, open plains. The turn player has options options to choose from on his turn: Perform his or her hero's action(s), hunt, fight or move about (Up to four blocks at a time). Each of these action use up an action point. A player may end his or her turn early and receives a bonus token for each remaining turn, which can later be redeemed for additional turns later on in the game. When a player hunts, he or she draws two cards from the Hunting deck (Cows, chickens, sheep, etc.) and keeps the loot of the animal (Cow Meat, chicken, wool, etc.). When a player chooses to fight, he or she must be adjacent to another player not on their team. The person initiating the fight attacks first and then receives retaliation damage from the other player. If you are adjacent to two opposing players, the second, other player is allowed to retaliate as well (optional choice). Once all players have had their turns, it becomes night-time. During the night, each player must draw two cards from the Monster deck and must fight the monster ( Spider, Skeleton, Spider-Jockey, Enderman, etc.). If they beat the monster, they get to keep the loot, but if they get beaten, they don't get to receive any loot and they lose two hearts (Eight hearts maximum). Once a player loses all of his or her hearts, he or she dies and his or her items are not up-for-grabs on the spot that he or she died. A player has the option to run away from a battle, at the cost of an action point from the following turn.

    4) The Decks:
    Basic Ore Deck- This deck contains the basic ores, such as coal, cobblestone, and (rare) iron.

    Advanced Ore Deck - This deck contains the advanced ores, such as iron, gold, emerald, redstone, Lapis Lazuli, and (rare) diamond.

    Material Deck- This deck contains anything able to be foraged, such as Wood (which can be turned in for Wood Plank of 4), Sticks, Flowers, Blaze Rods, Bones, Arrows, etc.

    Hunting Deck - This deck contains the 'friendly' mobs, such as cows, sheep, chicken, squids, and etc.

    Monster Deck - This deck contains the 'aggressive' mobs, such as Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers (Oh my!), and etc.

    5) Additional rules:

    A player is allowed to form a 'Faction' with any other player, regardless of Team. While in a faction, these players are allowed to combine the effects of their Hero, at the cost of only having a "Faction's turn" (Both of them essentially become one player entity, with the AP of the Hero with less AP plus the amount of member of the faction minus 1. They must decide what to do together and still coordinate two player tokens.) A pro of being in a faction is...

    Pro 1: A player gains a protective aura, which allows to take two less damage when attacked.

    Pro 2: The players in the faction are allowed to share the ability of their Heroes.

    Con 1: Players no longer take individual turns and take one "Faction's turn."

    Con 2: A Faction requires an upkeep of any two items from every player in that faction. If it cannot be paid, the faction is disbanded and all players in that faction takes two hearts of damage.

    If a faction wants to declare war on another faction, both sides roll a die. The side with the higher roll attacks first. The health of the factions is determined by the total sum of the player's in it. The attack of the faction is determined by the total sum of the attack of the player's in it. The defense of the faction is determined by the total sum of the defense of the player's in it. When a faction's health reaches a multiple of eight (8, 16, 32, 64, etc), a player dies and his or her armor and weapons are no longer applied to the total sum of attack and defense. When a faction is defeated, the other faction is allowed to loot whatever they want from the corpses.

    If a player wants to leave a faction, he or she must give one item to the leader or co-leader of the faction. If a player is being kicked out of the faction, the leader must give him or her an item. If a player wants to join a faction, he must give one item to the leader or co-leader.
    08/25/2012 7:13 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    What's your experience with YouTube and recording and whatnot?
    08/04/2012 3:18 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    They have to be on the same internet connection that' you're on. For example, if your internet is 'linksyslol123', they'll have to be on the same network to play.
    08/01/2012 3:59 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    The answer was already posted. The LAN World is just a World based upon your current LAN network, hence the only people who can play are you and the people sharing your network.
    07/28/2012 6:32 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    The creative server is down, so I'm not sure how I can make stuff... C.Gamersunited.co, right?
    07/27/2012 8:12 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    The creative server is down... And, um, what is the time-span for this contest? I see that you have another one going on, so I'm a little concerned.
    07/27/2012 4:07 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    I've got two kinds of redstone-operated gates.

    This one is the vertical door. You need to begin with a 5 x 5 x 1 hole in the ground. The wiring is the same on both sides, except one has that tower coming up. There are two sticky pistons that act as a gate and the pressure plates will deactivate them and allow you to cross. If you cross too slowly or if you pass the pressure plate too quickly, the gate will crush you. After, you just cover everything up and voila, a gate!

    The other one is a little more complicated.

    First, you need to begin with this frame.

    Next, the back of your frame should look like this.

    Note that you only put blocks on the top two rows. It's crucial that this frame is like this, otherwise the redstone will not be correct.

    The front should look like this.

    Now, you should put in some sticky pistons. You'll need 12 in total. Four of them will be facing perpendicular from the door and two will be facing the door. This will cause the back sticky pistons to push the forward sticky piston and material out, and then those will activate after.

    And do the same on the other side.

    Now, you need to begin the redwiring and both sides need to look like this:

    After that, you should wire the top. Note the little square. That's used to power the inner sticky pistons.

    Okay, I messed up. I missed a row on the back, and I also added some repeaters. Notice that a piece of redstone is missing. And the first and third repeaters are one the third tick.

    The other side just has the redstone wires connected. Now, to make the levers that will open the gate. You need to dig three blocks down and make it very spacious; I recommend at least a 4-block diameter. I messed up again and I realized that working on top of sand is a bad idea. I replaced the sand with wood and the size of this hole should extend from one end of the frame to the other side.

    Now, to create the XOR-Gate that will allow levers to operate it. The XOR Gate allows a lever on the inside AND outside to operate the gate. You should begin with this design:

    Now, you need to connect the redstone wires.

    And now, you need to wire out the output, which will go back up. Make sure that the hole is the same depth as the rest.

    Back underground, make sure you have a redstone torch ready to send off the signal. You must be sure that the wire connect to the block and not the torch.

    So, I messed up again, but it's not that big of a deal. Try to spot where I messed up!

    Now, you need to add levers. The levers need to branch off from the sides. You do something similar to the output from the other end, but this time, you don't use a redstone torch. Instead, above the redstone wire is a lever.

    Just do the same one the other side and cover everything up!
    07/27/2012 1:39 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    I'm so excited for this. C:
    07/27/2012 12:10 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
    Wisenne's Avatar
    The server is very laggy.

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