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Level 8 Apprentice Explorer

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    11/09/2014 9:05 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    Xefer's Avatar
    This is great, but once again, I require some pics! Please send them to me.
    11/09/2014 10:17 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    Xefer's Avatar
    LikabossaruI guess I can help you :3 My IGN is LIKABAWWWWWS.. I am completely free and I am also a developer. I am a great builder and am very weird about detail.. I can help alot with your server.. The only thing I ask for payment, is maybe a spot on Developer for your server... Ty

    That would be perfect, I just ask that you send me some pictures of your work! If you have any friends you think could fit the job, bring them here as well!
    06/07/2014 1:27 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    Xefer's Avatar
    I would like to request a banner advertising a server called "The Legion MC" or "LegionCraftMC" the ip should show as LegionMC.us. It would be preferable to have a background of a desert temple or some sort of roman building (in minecraft of course) please send the completed banner to the email OfficialClashCraft@gmail.com
    Thank you.
    05/16/2014 9:36 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    Xefer's Avatar
    A bit long there ^ sorry

    Also this was written using my phone AT HOME. Not at school
    05/16/2014 9:35 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    Xefer's Avatar
    I have a few different opinions on this argument and arguments to compete with this one. First, phones. When I was in 5th grade, I didn't have a phone. Just about every other kid had a phone, but we never had problems with kids using them in class. When I enters 6th grade though, I was astonished. At how much the kids had changed, but I'll get more ino that later. Lots of people were using their phones in class (especially PE) but I soon learned that these people weren't the type I liked to hang around. They were more of the "popular" "immature" and just...bad-behaved . I guess more of the depressed people or the people in gangs... The type of kids tht get bad grades and bad cooperation grades. But there are lots of fpeople I know that wouldn't ever do a such thing. (I mean lots) next! Talking in class.. I very muh agree with Silver371's argument for talking in class. Kids should be able to talk in class! The teacher can talk whenever s/he wants with his/her friends. Sometimes my teacher will talk for half a period and then demands that we "SHUT UP!" And "GET TO WORK!" It's very much harder especially since we have our friends around us all the time in class. What if you need to collaborate or help your friend? But the children often talk about immature things or use foul language, bringin me to le argument three! (Er four) children these cuss way to much for their age! They use those words in places that don't make sense or when it's not needed! Just for fun??? Now I do think cussing is acceptable when you are feeling very angry or whatever and feel very strong about your emotions. But I don't approve of how most kids use it. Ex: Dude Give some of that [censored] delicious donut. Guy 2: nah back off [censored] in eating this whole god [censored] donut bye myself [censored]. Most of the time, the sentences aren't even that serious if ou can call that serious. Immaturity problems also include sexual jokes! People make up so many weird things to represent other things that don't Even make any sense! It's just about impossible to say three sentences without (intentionally or non intentionally) making a "sexual "joke"". Even some teachers can be likes this! (Cussing and sexual remarks) teachers can also be extremely rude and very stupid sometimes! Anyway I'm finishing this off now, I'm typing on my phone and this is taking me a log time. I'll probably edit the comment and inish it sometime in the future. Until then,

    04/18/2014 8:30 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    Xefer's Avatar
    I can help! I'm a decent builder.

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