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New Explorer

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    11/24/2017 6:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    xMianca's Avatar
    IGN: xMianca

    What role you want: Moderator

    Why do you want this role?: I'd like this role because I've before been a moderator on a server on a game called Terraria and it's very similar to Minecraft. (I've quit Terraria for Minecraft, and was Mod for 1 year.) I also feel I can help the server out; occasionally advertise and enforce the rules, and get to the bottom of arguments and all that quickly. Also to keep the server friendly.

    Can you ban hackers with evidence: Yes, I can. I can provide information such as screenshots that are NOT photoshopped, or some videos.

    Are you good at commands: Yes, I am.

    Btw, in case you have discord and want to talk to me there: xMianca #2035
    11/24/2017 6:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    xMianca's Avatar
    IGN: xMianca

    Position: Admin or Moderator

    Skills: ban those who grief others and those who hack. I will mute those who spam; bully (or a ban for that), advertise their own server, etc. I can get to the core of problems quickly; including stopping arguments. Can read and type quickly, too.

    More info: Hi, I play MC a lot and I am VIP+ on Hypixel and I own a guild and discord. I have been a staff member (moderator to be exact) on a server on a game called Terraria, so I have some experience of being staff (I was there for a year). I'm hoping to help you out. Hope to see you soon.

    Discord: xMianca #2035

    Age:(optional) Rather keep personal.

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