xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
Level 21
Expert Pokemon

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    02/28/2016 9:22 am
    Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
    xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
    *How old are you?
    - I am 15 years old and about to be 16 in 3 months

    * Where are you from?
    - My mom, jk, United States of America

    * What languages can you speak?
    - I speak fluent English & looking to learn a few other languages

    * Do You Use TeamSpeak?
    - Yes I do have TeamSpeak 3 & I use it Very often

    * How long have you played minecraft for? How long have you been staff?
    - I have been playing Minecraft for about 4-5 years now & I have been staff for a good percentage of it

    * What experiences do you have moderating a community or game?
    - I have been a Owner, Admin, Mod, & Helper on many Minecraft servers that have either changed owners or closed down completely, I am also an Admin (DarkRP), and a GameMaster (StarWarsRP)on Gmod

    * How many hours a day/week can you moderate the forums and in-game?
    - I can probably pitch 2-6+ hours a day, may depend on if I am need or I am playing

    * Why should you be a [Position]? Why do you want to be a [Position]?
    - I should be picked to be a Mod/Admin because I have great experience & I am not impartial, I am always fair and give my true thoughts on what the event. I can take constructive criticism and use it to be better aswell. I am loyal, respectful, & honest. I am not applying because I am power hungry, but because I want to help forge a community that is enjoyable for everyone and not filled with trolls.

    * Anything else you want to add (optional):
    - I am Fire Cadet so on Mondays from 5pm-11pm, I may be unavailable. But every other day is fine. I have a passion for gaming, I love fishing as a hobby, I also love Warhammer 40k, Technology itself, I also like to sketch out inventions. I can get pretty mad sometimes when people make up lies about me. (Like saying I did something yet I had nothing to do with it)
    10/22/2015 7:16 am
    Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
    xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
    Age: 15

    IGN: SlydinInYoSis

    Skype: dancing.bac0n12

    Experience: I have experience in Moderating, Administrator, and Owning. And I know alot about plugin configs.

    Position: Admin/Mod

    Why I Should Pick You: I have alot of experience and understand most situations people get stuck in, I am also always willing to help the PMC/Minecraft Community.
    09/25/2015 10:04 am
    Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
    xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
    Interested SKYPE: dancing.bac0n12
    09/24/2015 10:26 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
    xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
    1. What position are you trying out for? (Builder, Mod, Developer. Note: You cannot try out for Admin, it is an earned rank): I am applying for "Mod"
    2. What is your Minecraft IGN: WOLF8555
    3. What is your Skype username: dancing.bac0n12
    4. Why do you want this position: I want to be a mod because I am willing to use my experience in this field and use it to help others.
    5. Do you have any prior experience? (If applying for developer, a list of things you've coded works): N/A
    6. How old are you? (12+): I am 15 years old
    7. About how many hours can you be on per week? (If applying for developer, how much time can you spend coding): I can be online around 21+ Hours a week.
    8.If applying for Mod: What qualities would make you good for this position?: I am hardworking and I can control situations and get an end result quickly and I can provide an unbias opinion on all situations making it fair.

    10. Understand that this is a non-paid job, Are you okay with that? I am absolutly okay with volunteering.
    09/24/2015 10:12 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
    xXD4RK_SPRITEXx's Avatar
    AGE: 15
    SKYPE: dancing.bac0n12
    PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: I have experience in being staff with over 15 servers.
    WHY PICK YOU?: Pick me because I am hardworking and enjoy "Minecraft" itself
    and I am not one of those power hungry kids. the only times I am not available is when I am Working with school (Home-schooled so I am always here) or when I am out doing things/working with the Fire-Department Cadets (Every Monday 6pm-11pm only from October to June)
    TIMES YOU CAN BE ON: I can be online atleast 3 Hours a day sometimes less but I multitask often and I am quick.

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