XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
Level 1
New Crafter

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    01/28/2013 5:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    archer exp: 1-10 7
    fighting exp: 1-10 7
    gathering exp: 1-10 8
    play time 3-4+ hours a day
    age: 14
    special skills
    building: 1-10 8
    redstone: 1-10 7
    fun facator[: ? I dont know what this is lol
    01/28/2013 5:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    I will gladly help any info you might need?
    Here is my minecraft name: OUTRUNOKIE
    01/28/2013 5:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    I am guessing its for assassins creed if not im still glad to help!
    01/28/2013 5:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    What job you want. Any, here to help

    How you are going to help the server. By building amazing things and keeping it safe and friendly

    Why you should get the job. I should get the job because I am a great builder and I own a bukkit, tekkit, regular, and voltz server(so i know what I'm doing) I love Assassins Creed and Minecraft (been playing since 1.6.3

    Extra info. Kind of ties with Why i should get the job... I am mod on a server. I am 14

    Skype: XxHyst3ri4xX


    Thanks for considering me!
    01/28/2013 1:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    sorry for posting.twice lol on my phone
    01/28/2013 1:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    2. Mod
    3. Age: 14
    4. Skype y or n:
    5. What would you do to help the server and why? I would protect the server against griefers and any foul remarks or actions. I would enforce the rules of the server. I would help peopleanytime with any question. I would do this because I want to keep the server fun and enjoyable, not rude and agrivating.
    6. Have you been admin on another serrver? Yes I have
    7. How much do you play? 3-4+ hours a day
    8. Do you swear on someones grave to follow the rules? Yes I do
    9. How good are you with other people? I am veryy cooperative, nice, and helpful

    Thank you for considering me!
    01/28/2013 1:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    2. Mod
    3. Age: 14
    4. Skype y or n:
    5. What would you do to help the server and why? I would protect the server against griefers and any foul remarks or actions. I would enforce the rules of the server. I would help peopleanytime with any question. I would do this because I want to keep the server fun and enjoyable, not rude and agrivating.
    6. Have you been admin on another serrver? Yes I have
    7. How much do you play? 3-4+ hours a day
    8. Do you swear on someones grave to follow the rules? Yes I do
    9. How good are you with other people? I am veryy cooperative, nice, and helpful

    Thank you for considering me!
    01/27/2013 9:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    Brand New server looking for Admins/Staff/Mod and Recruits

    Server experience 0(if you mean bieing staff) I also host private bukkit,tekkit,voltz, and regular servers

    age (14)

    Why you want to help: I want to find a good server to settle into and be friendly and get to know everybody so i can help with problems

    How much plugin experience do you have 7

    How good of a builder are you 9

    How much do you play? 3-4+ hours a day (playing since 1.6.3

    Why should i Chose you? You should choose me because I am very responsible and friendly I will help with any problem that pops up. I will keep my eye out for griefers and foul language as well as any mean stuff. I will also post to youtube about this server! Thanks for your consideration!
    01/27/2013 9:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    XxHyst3ri4xX's Avatar
    Skype(yes/no): yes
    Country you live in (TimeZone): United States, Central
    Have you ever been Moderator?: No
    How much you can play on a day?: 3-4+ hours
    Why We should pick you?: You should pick me because I have been playing Minecraft since 1.6.3. I love helping people and being in a Minecraft family. I will help as much as possible and more! Thank you for your consideration
    What do you think a moderator should do?: Help people with problems and look after the server to protect it from griefers and people who are mean.

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