xXxGURNZEYxXx's Avatar
Level 8
Apprentice Narwhal

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    12/23/2013 12:33 am
    Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
    xXxGURNZEYxXx's Avatar
    Name: Jack
    IGN: JokerKidJack
    Age: 15
    Going for: Admin
    Will you get players to play on the server?: I most probably will be able to get new players on the server as I now many places where I can advertise.
    Your experience being a staff member: I have been previously operator on 1 server and have owned about 7 servers of my own, all being successful but having to be shut down as they were locally hosted form my own computer, admin on 2 servers and moderator on about three, I have also been playing on servers since alpha so I know all about them.
    Maturity level (1-10, how mature are you?): I would say around 9 as i can be mature in all times but i can also have a good sense of humor, also if it counts i had a mustache poppin' by the end of grade 7 .
    What skills do you have? (Building, Chat-Moderating, etc): I am mostly focusing on moderating but I am also quite skilled at building when I have the right inspiration.
    How will you handle rule breakers?: I handle rule breakers with a three warning system, after these three warnings they get a punishment of reasonable levels.
    Which coding languages can you code? (You don't need to code for most ranks): I don't know the languages but I do have experience coding some server plugins such as permissionsEX and Groupmanager.
    How many hours can you be on the server/day (On school days): It's the holidays in Australia at the moment so I can be on as much as I like or am needed.
    How will you treat new players (Will you welcome them?): I will welcome new players it the server with a warm welcome, as I have experience of this when owning and moderating my own servers.

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