XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
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    11/02/2012 4:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    And what about the IP?
    11/01/2012 4:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar

    In game name? XxXPossesedXxX
    Age ? I am 14 years old.
    Favorite color?
    My favourite colour would be red. But sometimes it turns into blue. Just depends on the mood :3
    Rank? I will go for Co-Owner but if you think I'm not good enough for Co-Owner I'll take Head-Admin if that is fine with you.

    Why should We choose you? I think you should choose me because I'm not here to just get OP and fool around. I'm applying to help this server move forward. I see servers all the time with OP's that abouse their power and get away with it everytime. I am NOT like that. I may have fun at time (with the owners permission) but when we have to work I'm serious. I really want to help stop hackers and griefers from getting onto new servers and destroying the builds and/or ruining the server because it's new. Every new server has potential to reach to the fullest, and I want to help you guys get there.

    Why do you want to join? I want to join because I love helping new servers grow. It's actually one of my hobbies on Minecraft to go on new servers and ask them if they need help. My main reason to apply is because I don't have hackers/griefers to get on. I've dealt with many people that have griefed and/or hacked a lot and they all didn't end well for them. When I was new, I went on a fairly popular server and got griefed about 5 times everyday. No matter how much I repaired it. I told the admins about if they they just ignored me. I don't want that to happen to people that join for here for fun. I want to help them. If they ever need help I will be there immediatly to help them no matter what. I don't ignore people because I know how it feels to be ignored.
    Time zone? My time zone is EST (Canada, Ontario)

    How long per day can you be on?
    On weekdays I can be on for about 4 hours. Unless I finish my homework earlier. And on weekends I can be on all day unless I have to go somewhere. I will notify you if I won't be on.

    How long per week can you be on?
    I can't be 100% correct but around 5-6 hours a day.

    Next is 1-10
    Building 8-9
    Plugin -6
    Command- 10
    Redstone- 4
    Next is questions for if you can do
    Make plugins? Haha, nope! I am a real delinquent at making them.
    Make youtube vids?- Yes, I haven't really actally made any videos but I probably could.
    Host a server? Unfortunately I'm broke. Sorry about that
    Play tekkit? I used too! But then I started to lagg really bad
    Play minecraft? Hm.. Maybe? xD Yes. I play Minecraft
    10/20/2012 2:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    1.Your minecraft username. My username is XxXPossesedXxX but people call me Pos or Possesed

    2 Your age and gender. I am 14 years of age and a male.

    3.Have you been/are you staff on any other servers? If so how many? I have been on quite a few different servers. Most of them have now been shut down for reasons like un-popularity, and/or not being able to pay for the server anymore. But my recent staffed servers are; SiegeCraft, and RefinedXMining

    4.Do you have building experience? Yes I have quite a bit of building knowledge and experience. I have built over 15 spawns, with the owners happiness. I can build almost anything you ask me and I will do it happily. Building is one of my passions on Minecraft and I will love to build anything you ask me! If you want some approvals of spawns from previous owners through skype, I can get you them definately. I've also rebuilt a replica of "The Fallen Kingdom" (Captainsparklez) with one other friend of mine.
    5.How long have you had minecraft? I've had minecraft for about 8 months now and I almost know all the formulas off the back of my hand. As for Bukkit, I've been Co-Owner on about 4 servers so I know almost ALL commands on most basic plugins. (Doesn't mean I can't learn more!) I used to think Minecraft was stupid until my friend made me play it. Since then I've loved it

    6.Why do you want to be staff on my server? I want to be a part of your server because I want to help. I see many new servers go up all happy but then a group of hackers get on and destroy their spawn and everything they work forever on. It isn't fair. People work day and night on building the spawn till it's perfect and they know that players WILL love it. But then people get on thinking "Oh, who cares it's shit anyways." and destroy it. They don't think for one second that "Hey, maybe we should not do this. They works a lot on this spawn and destroying it would really hurt them and their hard work." I want to stop this. I hate hackers and griefers. I've felt the pain of being griefed and having to rebuild everything. I don't want other owners to go through this. This is why I started to apply for staff. To STOP all the hackers and griefer from reaching their goal. I didn't join for power, I joined to help. To help make a server a perfect place to play all day without having to worry about getting hacked.

    7.Do you play on other severs? if so how many? (as a player not staff member)
    I play on about 3 other servers. Not many servers intruige me as much anymore.
    But, MagicaCraft, Lockout Prison, and Pottercraft are by far my favourite.

    8.Why should i pick you and not the next guy? I have no reason to be picked over the next guy because they could be just as good as I am. But, if I had to write something here, I would say;
    1. I know all the basic rules and punishments. I won't abuse my power and ban them of all the tiniest mistakes like caplocks. (Yes. I've seen it happen ..)
    2. I don't abuse power. Yes I love to have fun with players. But I've seen ops secretly giving players godlike stuff which isn't fair. I wouldn't do this. Minecraft is a place to have fun and not get everything from an OP. You need to earn everything. People are slowly forgetting about the real Minecraft.
    3. I love.. EVERYONE! I love waking up every morning thinking "Wow, I hope I make someones day today." online OR in real life. It's one of my passions to make sure I make at least ONE person happy on a daily basis.

    I have no other reason. But thank you for reading all this and I hope you choose me as a staff. I would really love being one on this new server and watching it grow.
    10/05/2012 5:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    IGN: XxXPossesedXxX
    Skype Name: Vardaan_8d
    Age: I am 14 years old.
    Whats servers have you been on staff before?:
    I've been a staff on:
    -Survivalcraft(Head-Admin, it's down now but he's starting a new server with me as Co-Owner)
    -Dustycraft (Co-Owner, but I left that server being of the owners arrogance.)
    Milkcraft( Moderator)
    Lord of the bricks (Co-Owner)
    How many servers have you been banned from?:
    I have never been banned from from any server on Minecraft. I follow rules 99.99% of the time.

    What are some of the builds you have done before?:
    I've built a remake of the fallen kingdom with one of my friends, build a couple of spawns for survivalcraft, and helping the owner build a lord of the rings RPG map/server for Lord Of The Bricks.

    How long have you played Minecraft?:

    I have played Minecraft for about a year now. I've must likely memorized all the formulas to make things and know how to build.
    09/12/2012 5:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    Well ok then. .__.
    09/12/2012 4:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    Oh.. What about Admin? :S
    09/12/2012 4:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: XxXPossesedXxX
    Nickname: People call me "Possesed" or "Poss".

    Are you over 14? (Yes/No Question): Yes. I am 14 years of age. (March, 31, 1998)

    Do you have skype? (Yes/No Question)(Very Important! For the time being until our website is up, this is how I communicate with my staff): I DO have skype. And I really don't feel like saying it here so may I message you it if I get in? Thanks

    How much time can you dedicate to this server? (Timezone would be nice, as well as how much time you can spend on weekdays vs. weekends): I an dedicate about a total 6 hours in the weekday (I will message you before hand if I have something important) and on the weekends I can contribute about 10-12 hours. I am in the "Eastern Time Zone" (Canada, Ontario)

    What position are you applying for? (Pick only one): I am applying for Co-Owner. I know it may seem impossible but I really want to try and make it on this server. I REALLY seems like it has big potential and honestly I love RPG servers. If I don't make it to Co-Owner I could also go with Admin if that is ok with you.

    What race do you want to be when the server starts? (Be Specific): Hm. This is a really interesting thing to think about. I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan so I think I would go for the Wizard rank. I've always loved magic since I was a kid and Harry Potter was my childhood so " Obviously.." (Snape) I would choose wizard.

    What are you good at? (Make this as detailed as possible): I am VERY good at catching hackers. I love to build minecraft structures. Building is one of my favourite hobbies on minecraft. I've built at least 5-6 spawns in total. (I am currently constructing a Hogwarts server with my friends right now. I can message you the IP if you would like! I have been a Co-Owner on 2 servers, and Admin on about 6, Head-Admin on 1, and I am a Moderator on 1. Staffing is one one of my favourite things to do on a server. I always see hackers on servers attacking people and killing them and/or hacking their way to get god enchanted stuff. I think it is VERY unfair since I have been targeted by a couple of wannabe "AVO" people. Since that day I have always wanted to help new or old servers have a safe and hacking/griefing free world. (Unless it's allowed of course). Griefing is THE WORST. I literally despise how many people grief for fun. People work for hours on structure and along comes someone and griefes the whole place down. Griefers don't even THINK how they other person would feel. This is why I want to be a staff. I love to keep potential servers safe at all times.

    Maturity Scale (Out of 10):
    I am a 9. BUT I can get pretty immature if we're having fun!

    Anything else you want to tell us? (if you leave this blank and/or brief, you will most likely not get in): I am not sure what else to say, but thank you so much for even reading this application. I know it may be to long and/or you might have gotten annoyed but I needed to write all the down. I really love helping new servers grow and even if I don't get in I hope I may be able to play on the server and still have as much fun as I would as a staff on this server. THANKS FOR CONSIDERING ME!

    09/11/2012 2:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    IGN: XxXPossesedXxX
    Skype: I will tell you if I make it.
    Age: 14 Years old.
    What rank you would like: I would like Co-Owner BUT admin is good as well
    What can you do: I can build, make ranks, add permission etc
    Could you donate at least $5 once: I would donate, but my parents think it's stupid so I'm not allowed
    How long are you on: I can be on a lot during weekends. But I have school till 3 so after that I'll be on for most of the time.
    What time zone are you in: I'm not sure o.o I live in Canada, Ontario though.
    09/01/2012 4:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    Anything else: Multi is awesome :3 And thanks for considering me!
    09/01/2012 4:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    XxXPossesedXxX's Avatar
    Age: I am 14 years old.

    Gender: Male.

    What experience have you had as admin/moderator/staff?: I have had about 5-6 months of experience as a staff on servers. I have been a Co-Owner on one, an admin on many other servers, and a Head-Admin on 3

    Why do you want to be a admin/moderator?: I want to be an Admin because I enjoy helping the community. Many people that just start out need help but the more experienced players come up and kill them or take their stuff by trickery. Most administrators just ignore it and pretend as nothing has happened. That is why I started applying for staff. I want to help those people that need help. I hate it when people hack and or grief and get away with it so I try my best on most servers to catch all the rule breakers to keep every server a perfect safe enviorment for younger players and plyers overall.

    How do you solve problems?: I try my best to solve a problem with words and talking to them and calming them down so they can explain what happened. I talk to them and make them understand that it is NOT allowed. But if it is VERY serious ( Big hacks, griefing) I will tell them I caught them and it was their fault. And of course I would have to follow rules and ban them.

    How well do you behave around people?: I overall really well behaved around people. I love hanging out with people and meeting people around the world. It's really nice to see how many people there are with the same interests as you and how they are just like you. I am not a cold hearted person. Even if the person is rude I won't be rude back to them. I will talk just as normal and If I have to ignore them if it has be done.

    Are you mature?: I am pretty mature. I can get a little immature at time when I'm having fun but overall I'm mature when it comes to handeling a staff position.

    Do you get along with others(Nothing's worse than 5 admins arguing with each other)?: I really get along with everyone. I love meeting new people and getting to know them better. Even if there is someone I don't like I suck it up and try my best to get along with them. I'm not there to make friends, I'm there to do a job.
    Anything else:

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