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New Miner

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    07/27/2017 1:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yakaka's Avatar
    Well that sucks!

    Minecraft Name:_Yakaka
    Age: (Don't worry, there are no restrictions.) 15
    Role you are applying for: mod or general staff
    Why you think you should be staff?: I love the Minecraft community, even though it is harsh at times and I am harsh at it sometimes, but I still enjoy helping it. I like helping people for the good of the community and for my own enjoyment. I see myself as a good member of your team.
    Building Skill:I am really bad at building so 3.5
    Creativity Skill:6.5
    07/26/2017 6:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yakaka's Avatar
    Um i posted a forum for staff
    and it isnt here...
    07/26/2017 1:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yakaka's Avatar
    Age: 15

    Do you have a discord? Yes, Baknobody#2560

    How often can you be online? 4-6 hours

    Are you experienced with plugins (name some you are good at using, being experienced with many types of plugins and being able to use new ones is REQUIRED)? Worldedit dynmap few others..

    How can you help our community grow? I love to see new servers grow and to also be part of the growth and see how people change...

    Anything else I should know? My mic doesnt work atm but will be working soon!
    07/05/2017 12:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yakaka's Avatar
    1. Your in-game Minecraft name.

    3. Age?
    Example: 16

    4. Timezone-
    Eastern Standard Time (EST)

    5. Why do you think you deserve staff on Kingdom Crashers?
    Answer why you think you deserve to become a staff member.

    6. Do you have any previous experience?
    (Please show evidence without giving out the IP of the server, If no experience put N/A)
    Yes, I do have experience with 2 other Servers that recently shut down

    7. When did you first play Minecraft? How often did you play?
    Answer when you first joined Minecraft and how often you played.
    I joined July 2016 On a different account and earlier on another account
    usually 5-10 hours a day maybe less.

    8. Have you ever been banned or temp-banned on this server?
    Answer the question honestly.
    No, I've never been banned.

    9. Do you speak any foreign languages?
    Yes, Arabic

    10. Do you have skype? If so, please leave your username.
    Who._. This._. But I would recommend my discord to contact me its Yakaka #2560

    Answer these questions to the best of your ability. These questions deal with situations that may occur on the server. Answer the questions as what you would do as a Moderator.

    1. You are online on the server, and you see another moderator ban another user for advertising, however; you have proof the said user never advertised, what would you do?
    I would tell the Mod that banned him/her that there are no traces of advertisement
    And I would ask him to show his evidence of advertisement if there are none then I would ask That Mod, unban him/her.

    2. One of your good friends is on the server, and he/she are upset with how you handled a situation and are using vulgar language towards you in private chat after you have asked them to stop, what would you do?
    I would /mute that person even if it is your friend they don't have the right to use vulgar language towards you.

    3. You are the only moderator currently on the server, and a situation gets out of hand in which all of the players are panicking about something a user said that is not true. How do you calm down this situation?
    I would ask what was going on then I would confront the players that started the problem then I would speak to him/her then if the players don't stop I would ask if an admin could come.

    1. Do you think you are a better candidate for staff than the others applying?
    Answer Yes or No, and explain why or why not.
    No, I have problems with being a little playful so I'm not better than the others.

    2.How will you be able to help out the server once you become a moderator, and do you have any suggestions to make the staff team better?
    Answer the question honestly.
    I would show that if u do something wrong it always comes with a punishment, I have to see when I become one!

    3. What do you think a team needs to have?
    Answer what makes a team. Ex. Integrity, strong leadership, loyalty etc.
    Leadership, loyalty, integrity...

    4. Finally, is there anything else you would like to add?
    Seems like that it!

    Thanks for reading my application!!
    07/04/2017 7:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yakaka's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: Yakaka

    -Age: 17

    - Discord ID/Name (Include the #): Yakaka #2560

    - Do You have any past experience in this position?:
    Yes, I have been mod a little over a year ago on a different Minecraft account

    - How much time would you be able to allocate daily?:
    5-10 hrs

    - Why do you want to become apart of the Moderator team?:
    I have experience in this field.

    - Why Fallcast over the other servers?
    I chose Fallcast over the servers because the idea is very unique and would love to see how it can grow and expand into the next big idea for Minecraft.

    - Are you experienced in this role and how?:
    Yes, As I said I was a mod for another server a little over a year ago.

    - Are you familiar with simple commands such as World Edit - (World Guard, Essentials - ETC)?:
    Yes, World Edit is an easy-to-use in-game Minecraft map editor. Through a combination of commands and "brushes," you can sculpt your world or simply perform numerous terraforming tasks. Quickly create, replace or delete thousands of blocks in seconds.
    -What makes you stand out as an individual?:
    Minecraft has thought me many things that I could use to improve my behavior as an adult

    -What Qualities can you bring to the server and how would you implement them?
    I can bring...

    -What changes can you make to the server?:
    Teaching people that doing the wrong thing always ends up with a punishment.

    -Anything else?: Seems like this is it!!

    Thank you for reading my Application
    07/04/2017 10:22 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Yakaka's Avatar
    Username: Yakaka

    Age: 17

    Gender (optional): Male

    The rank you are applying for: Mod

    What your abilities are (other than basic commands and "being nice"):
    I have experience from a server I wasn't really interested in, I've been a mod on 2 different servers and I'm a pretty fast learner.

    Do you have Discord? (optional but recommended):
    Yakaka #2560

    How active you are:
    I'm active 7 days a week for 5-10 hrs.

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