Yamata's Avatar
Level 26
Expert uwu

About me

Hey there !
I am Yamata. But you can call me Yama. In the following I'll describe myself in a little more detail. As you have probably already noticed, I speak English but I am from Germany. I still hope you understand what I want to tell you. Let's start far away.My "gaming life" My "gaming life" started with the game Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. Then, it must be 2009, I played Minecraft for the first time at a relative's house. The beta just before 2009. After that I've created a Minecraft account and started playing. I had very much fun with the game. But a few years later my first Minecraft account got hacked so I had to create another one. And this process had to be done again. It was not a good time. But now I've got a new Minecraft account wich I hopefully use for a bit longer. Now I'll tell you a bit about me today. I am currently attending the final year of a private school in germany. In my freetime I watch lots of Anime and I also play many video games. Such as Minecraft, League Of Legends and Skyrim. (Also a game from my childhood ^^) Yeah this should be it. In case you have any questions about me or about my submissions feel free to ask me in the comments or just send a pm to me on Discord Yama Senpai#1783. Hope you have a nice day and stay healthy ^^
Here is absolute nothing ^^
But interesting you don't listen to me xD

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Mar 31, 2018Joined PMC
YamaSenpaiMinecraft Name

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