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Level 14 Journeyman Artist

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    08/01/2014 12:09 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    I used to say butter instead of gold before him. But the only thing I said butter to, was the leggings. I refered them as butter pants, or pimp a**, because of the shine, that occures on the butt when you crouch.

    People credit him way too much for calling gold for butter...
    07/30/2014 8:35 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    I'll gladly help you.

    I can test, and maybe do some graphics.
    The graphics depends on what you want to texture though.
    05/09/2014 5:24 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    You should ignore them. I've been shy all my life. I've missed the chance of love a lot of times. There is one girl espacially, I regret not telling my feelings for. We would send smiles back and forth in class to one another, and we would catch eachother staring, and sometimes making eye contact.
    And fucking hell, true enough, the day I took courage to tell her, the very fucking day, she was in a relationship with someone... She did move school so we couldn't talk in class as we used to. But it took her one week to find someone after she moved school.
    I was heart broken to say it mildly. I do a lot of stupid things, and I've done a lot of stupid things.
    So follow your heart. Take the chance. Don't do like me and stand back. I am seeing someone, but it's long distance. I don't want to break her heart, by leaving her with the hope of being with me. Love is not to be played with.

    If she laughs at you, and act like you're a nobody, you know that you've atleast done your part. The "jocks" as you call them, can go to hell. I have changed school as well due to getting kicked out of house. But before getting kicked out of school, I would fight them if enough reason given. They would bully me, and one time I got so mad that I went a "little" brutal on a few. After that they left me alone for a little month. Not because of them feeling bad for me, or a teacher telling them to stay away, but because they were scared of my temper. But they easily forget that and begin the bully again.

    They are nothing, but what you make them. And the other way around.
    If you like the girl and she is nice to you, go for it. But I got tricked by a girl once.
    A total ******. So be careful. Some girls are not to be trusted. Don't tell her any personal information. Just stay cool and run with your own style.
    If you want to be sure that she can be trusted, befriend her, and tell a secret. One small secret. And if you begin to hear it around in class, you should dumb her.
    But go for it. Don't do my mistakes of being quiet and slow. Three things to ensure friendship or letting her now that you got a thing for her
    1. Give her a smile
    2. Let her catch you stare a bit, and get eye contact. (Remember to smile during this)
    3. Write to her over Facebook or send a text, asking on how she is.

    Good luck.
    05/09/2014 1:41 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    (Scroll down to the end of comment to get to the point, and spare yourself for logic.)

    I don't mean to be a buzzkill or anything, but anyone could literally team up and make something big and cool building in teams give motivation and ideas.
    Ofcourse there are the ones slacking a bit, but still keep up.
    I've been working within AMC for 2 years, and we've always made something fun. We're a bit inactive at the moment due to study, though. But some of our previous projects was BHC and BHC Pixelmon. They both got dropped due to poor server hosting.

    So what kind of builders do you seek, excactly?
    I might be willing to help, if you will accept me. You can take a look on my map, Nebelheim and take a look. There are a few building styles in there, and I am still in progress of making a big update on it.

    I would apreciate if you could send me a PM saying excatcly what you seek of exspertise. And if my buildings are good enough for what you like to make.
    But honestly, big/giant cathedral looking mansions and mega cities with a lot of detail, that no-one really cares for, because they download it, look at it, perhaps make a small adventure map out of whar they downloaded, that they post here on PMC, which they downloaded it from, that gets taken down within hours, and they all end up blowing it up with TNT. And the mountains with huge gaps that leads into a beautiful valley with waterfalls, where the maker/poster use shader mod to make it look way better than it actually is. Overdone, if you ask me.
    Don't get me wrong, I love building, I love adventure maps and maps with great detail and I love people who give their time to make it for the fun.
    But those who do it to, errhhh... I don't really have the word for it in english, and rules say only english...

    But I hope you get my point.
    Building should be for the comradeship, and not for the money.
    Say, if I was in a building team, that only did it for money, I would deny the pay and just start building.

    So to the main point of this comment:
    What excactly do you seek? High standard could be anything depending on your building style.
    05/04/2014 7:39 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    If it has to be one of those, and no other skin, I would say 2.
    Both of these skins are overused in their way of being, and there are many skins that look the same, with different color.

    Perhaps you could look at some of the "unseen" skins?
    Look at the ones people make, that aren't really exposed to the public to get a unique feel?
    Or, what I like the most, make your own skin to keep
    05/03/2014 1:46 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    What kind of map, and how long time you got?
    05/03/2014 8:02 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    Maybe they aren't as expected, but everything, if given time, can rise.
    I like your designs. If you practise the art of shading, I think you could become great at skinning.
    05/03/2014 7:57 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    Thank you.

    I've looked at some of your skins, and with a little shading they could turn out great.
    02/08/2014 9:27 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    I made mine aswell
    02/07/2014 5:08 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    1. Convert the $100000000 into 552950000 DKK
    2. Buy a big forrest. (In Denmark)
    3. Start a LARP community. (In Denmark)
    4. Start a workshop. (In Denmark)
    5. Start an Medieval Resort, with access to the LARP community's forrest. (In Denmark)
    6. Live life
    02/07/2014 2:45 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    Second of all, please watch your language.

    I've checked your YouTube, not much to say, but that's nothing you can make money off. The banner on your channel isn't much to say woohoo for either.

    I used to make money of pictures, but I quit because of too much work at school.
    The only thing I make now, is skins.

    And calling someone an "asshole" isn't trying to be nice. Try to be humble and polite.
    A thing that most of modern society has forgotten how to be.

    And if you do actually make money of programming and "serious" animation, please show us your work, before saying how great you are.
    02/06/2014 7:06 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Zahkrosis's Avatar
    What I like about a server is different from what kind of server you want to make.
    Tell me what kind you want to make, and I will say what I think is important to that specific server type.

    But normally:

    Mature staff. Can speak true and not lie nor abuse in conflicts involving them.

    Fun staff. Staff that can take puns and jokes, and do fun stuff from time to time.

    Medium sized spawn. I don't like it when spawn is too big with halls and walls.

    Shops. Not all players like the PvP, or just don't want to risk the poeple using Nodus, taking all their stuff.

    Contests. Who can make the nicest house, or the nicest looking town, as an example.

    That's some things I like in servers.

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