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    06/15/2014 2:07 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Will there be a recruitment thing for admins?
    06/15/2014 2:05 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    The server isn't up :c it sounds really cool too! D:
    06/15/2014 1:49 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Going For: Admin/Head-Admin
    Name: Lily
    IGN: lilyblox8 (Changing it in 1.8 xD)
    Skype: ZeronianZap
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female

    Experience: I've been a Head-Admin on one server (I have proof) and a Co-Owner on another (Sadly no proof )
    Proof: (Images would be to large...)

    (Proof of Building)

    Thanks for your time!

    06/15/2014 1:39 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    GuildMember SS Class/Admin
    Age: 18
    Skype: ZeronianZap
    Past experience as Staff: I was a Co-Owner, Head-Admin and a Admin. I've got proof of the Head-Admin if u want to see. Also I've worked as a Builder many times
    IGN: lilyblox8 (Changing it in 1.8)
    Name/Nickname: Lily (Call me Zero xD)
    Skills: I can use W/e and I have experience using Portals. I brainstorm many ideas and i got tons to share with u! I'd love to work on a server which looks so cool! c:
    06/08/2014 9:16 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    IGN: lilyblox8
    Skype: ZeronianZap
    Any previous experience: I was a Co-Owner on one server and a Head-Admin in another.
    What position you are going for: Admin/Head-Admin
    Why you want this Position: I love being an Admin. It's basically the rank beneath Owner and its so much fun. You can do so much to help people if your an Admin.
    What can you offer us: I can use W/e and I can make portals using MultiVerse. I also have built HungerGame maps before so i can do that for you.
    Name: Lily
    Other Contact Details: I'll do this in private
    Maturity 1/10 : 8.6 (I can be a bit Jokey at times)
    Age : 17
    Any thing else you feel necessary: Not really

    Skype: ZeronianZap
    What position you are going for: Head-Admin
    Previous Experience (MUST) : I've been a Head-Admin and a Co-Owner before.
    Why you want this Position: I love being an Admin. And being a HEAD Admin is even cooler! It allows you to help the other Admins much more and other players too!
    What can you offer us: I can use W/e and I have dealt with issues before, such as: Griefing, X-Ray and Hacks.
    Name: Lily
    Other Contact Details: I'll put in Private
    Maturity 1/10 : 8.6
    Age : 17
    Any thing else you feel necessary: Nope!
    06/08/2014 6:17 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Hi There! I'd like to be a Admin!

    IGN: lilyblox8
    Age: 17
    Experience: I've worked on 2 servers, both sadly shut down. One was due to the lack of players and the other was because the Owner accidentally broke it.
    What can I do?: I can build Portals in the MultiVerse plugin + Use W/e. I have experience in dealing with issues involving grief, hacks and X-Ray.
    Skype: ZeronianZap
    06/08/2014 6:03 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    -IGN lilyblox8
    -Age 17
    -Country Of Origin Britain, UK
    -Experience I've been a Co-Owner, Head-Admin and a Builder before
    -Role Applying For Admin
    -Reason I enjoy working on servers with other people. I have bright ideas about themes of things i build and i like to help people the best I can.
    06/08/2014 6:00 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Ok, Thanks ^_^
    06/08/2014 5:02 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    1.IGN: lilyblox8
    2.Age And Maturity Level: 17 (8/10)
    3.Expirience In Minecraft And Building (Rate from 0-10 And 2 Pictures Of Builds): 7/10
    4.Exp In W.E(WorldEdit 0-10): 9/10
    5.Why Do You Want To Be A Builder?: I enjoy building for other servers and helping them out. I specially like doing things in W/e
    6.Skype or TeamSpeak?: Skype
    7. * Last Comments(Maturity Level e.t.c): I can be mature but i like to joke around sometimes. I used to work as a Co-Owner on one server and a head-Admin in another.

    Thanks for Reading!
    06/08/2014 4:47 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Name: Lily
    Position: Admin
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    IGN: lilyblox8
    Rate Your Work (1 Best, 10 Worst): 3 (I can do some W/e and other things. I brainstorm ideas and stuff for servers but i rated myself 3 because nobodies perfect ^_^ there's room for improvement)
    Rate Your Building (1 Best, 20 Worst): 4 (I can't really do circles that well so I need to use guides for it)
    Experience: I've worked as a Co-Owner + Head-Admin of a server. Sadly they both got shut down, one for lack of players and the other because the owner accidentally broke it
    Proof Of Experience:
    If we were to add you to our staff, what aspects/attributes would you bring to our server?(Provide us with a detailed answer.): I can do W/e and I enjoy building spawns and portals. I can also provide some help to other players. As I said, I've had experience of working on servers so I know what to do if things happen.
    Activity & Response Time: I sadly can only get on at weekends but at Saturdays (EST) I usually get on at around 3-7 pm and off at about 9 pm. Then at Sunday I get up at 5-8 am and stay on till 7 pm c: For response time, I keep the message application open and refresh it about every 1-2 minutes.
    Anything Else: Hi! :3 I can do Pixel Art to help decorate the server if you want.
    Contact Method? (E.g Skype, Email, Team-speak 3, Mumble, Raid): I use Skype it's called ZeronianZap
    06/08/2014 4:07 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Oh cool! Well, good luck with it! ^_^
    06/08/2014 4:03 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Oh okay, sorry it's just you put it straight after my reply xD
    06/08/2014 3:59 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    I'm 17 :I
    06/08/2014 3:57 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Application for staff
    IGN: lilyblox8
    Previous experience: I've been a Head-Admin + a Co-Owner before.
    How loyal are you: I'm very loyal. I enjoy working with people and RPG is my favorite.
    Why should we choose you: I know W/e and I enjoy building and helping others out.
    06/08/2014 3:37 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: lilyblox8 (Changing it in the Future)

    Position Wanted: Head-Admin/Admin

    Maturity Level: 8.7 (I can make jokes at times but I get on with my work)

    Age: 17

    Previous Experience: I worked as a Head-Admin and a Co-Owner before. Sadly, One got shut down due to lack of players and the other got broken by the owner by Accident

    Previous Builds:

    Scenario 1-If a Griefer destroyed a house, what would you do?: I'll check to see who did it then talk with them. If they don't apologize or speak i give them a ban/temp-ban depending on how bad it was. Then I'd fix it. If it was on the Ancient world then I would fix it and they would not get a ban.

    Scenario 2-Someone uses Xray, is caught, and then promises to turn it off. What would you do?: I listen to them but inform the Mods to keep and eye on him. If he/she does it again, Ban/Temp-Ban depending on how serious it is.

    Secret Word: Ocelots!

    Thanks for Reading!

    EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the form earlier. I re-did it ^_^
    06/07/2014 4:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    In-Game Name: lilyblox8 (I'm changing it in 1.8 ^_^)
    06/07/2014 4:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    Hai! Can i work as Head-Admin? My skype is ZeronianZap and I've had experience on 2 servers. I'm good with redstone and W/e also I'm prepared to be part of something big. I love working on servers, Thanks for Reading!

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that I've been a Co-Owner and a Head-Admin. So I'd be happy to work as a Co-Owner too! Sadly I don't have any money so i cant donate... Sorry! D:
    06/02/2014 4:06 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    I'd like to Apply for Admin (Not Site One please). I'm good with Grammar just in case there's a few Grammar Nazis who join the server. I also love being part of something that could become so big! I've had past experience as a Co-Owner (Server is sadly shut down) and I learnt three skills from it: WorldEdit, MultiCore and Server Management. Thanks for Reading! Oh, and my Skype is ZeronianZap :3
    06/02/2014 4:03 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    ZeronianZap's Avatar
    I'd love to help! I worked on another server as a Co-Owner but it got shut down... :c I have Skype by the way and I'm good with grammar (Some people are grammar Nazis hehe) Also I've had training in using the MultiCore + WorldEdit so I can do Plugins. The only thing i would need help with is you putting the Plugins in. But if i have an idea, I'll be sure to share it with you before i start using it!

    Skype: ZeronianZap
    IGN: lilyblox8
    Hope For: Admin/Mod

    Thanks for reading iRoot!

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