Zombineman's Avatar
Level 29
Expert Pixel Painter

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    05/05/2012 2:46 pm
    Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Zombineman's Avatar
    MINECRAFT IGN: ZombineMan
    AGE: 16
    MATURITY: I own my own Minecraft server, and care for it as if it were a child. I am a patient person, who has heavy thoughts towards the world. I see myself at the maturity level of someone who far surpasses me in age.
    JOB/CHARACTER: Server Host, Actor, Producer, Builder [I would be willing to play any part in this movie. I have a server that I pay for, which is not being used for anything, and I think it would be great for this piece. As for acting, I have a mic, skype, facebook, steam, and plenty of emails. I also have recording software, if it is needed. If there are any other parts that you need filled, I am sure I would be suitable for the part.]
    HOW WELL CAN YOU DO YOUR JOB? (AT LEAST 3 SENTENCES): I would say that I can do all of these jobs fairly well. Hosting the server would be the easiest piece. I am familiar with video editing software, running a server, being a leader, acting, and filming. I feel I would take this job very seriously, and be a good addition to the team.
    HOW MUCH TIME CAN YOU DEDICATE TO THE PROJECT: Although I do host my own server, I have a dedicated staff that could see to it well I am away dealing with other matters. As for myself, I am willing to dedicate anytime necessary to make this movie. I have school from 6am to 3pm Eastern, but am free on weekends and until at least 12am on weekdays.
    SKYPE *REQUIRED FOR ACTORS* (YES/NO): Yes, my skype name (nick_boynton)
    PICTURES (BUILDERS ONLY): [See my Channel for images on some of my builds. Pictures are uploaded on my posts.]
    ANYTHING ELSE?: I think I pretty much summed up everything. I am very excited about this movie, and am looking forward to hearing back from you. Please let me know your thoughts, and tell me what I can do to this make this possible!

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