The Ghost Face Minecraft Skin
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Riley The Human
Level 31 : Artisan Theorist Miner
After failing twice to raid Blossum Manor, The Arch Illager decided the best course of action would be to sneak in while the guards were asleep and kill them silently. Once he realized he lacked any adequate assassins, he decided to venture to Woodsboro City for the mysterious "Ghost Face." Though The Ghost Face has tools possessed by nearly every other illager, he somehow stalks and kills without even alerting a cat. The Ghost Face is infamous for blackmailing humans, villagers, and even other illagers. If they didn't pay up, The Ghost Face would strike with a sense of showmanship no matter how many guards were in his way. Despite resisting The Arch Illager, and even threatening him, The Orb of Dominance eventually scared him into submission. Ultimately, he didn't mind. After all, he now had the protection of the illagers and could perform his favorite hobby as a full-time job.

Perhaps you will be the one to finally spill his blood and claim the mask as a trophy.
CreditFunworld and the Scream Franchise

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