This Mod is an entry in the completed BEN 10 JAM.

Minecraft Mods

Ben 10 Reboot Lucraft Addon

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Lucraft Legacies
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Crafter
For this addon to work, it requires the following mods: LucraftCore, HeroesExpansion, Speedsterheroes, The Fifth World, Electroblob's Wizardry, Pymtech, Star-Tech, and Arcane Essentials

Adds the Omnitrix from the Ben 10 Reboot

How To Install Lucraftcore Addons:

Getting Started
to get the omnitrix you have to craft an Alien Signal Device. To Charge it, craft it together with a Nether Star.
After activating it, the omnitrix will be sent down near you.

The Omnitrix
when activating the Omnitrix, you will have access to 10 different aliens,
all with there own special abilities. By using these abilities, you will eventually unlock more.
At a higher level you will be able to access the Omnitrix settings.

tampering with the Omnitrix will lead to malfunctions
like fusing your 10 aliens into an amalgamation form,

unlocking a new alien, and activating a transformation loop
that you can't get out of.

Season 2 Omnitrix
To get this variant of the Omnitrix, You need to upgrade the Omnitrix as Upgrade. Once you get it, you will get automatic master control
but it'll be disabled once you timeout. This version of the Omnitrix also adds Omni-Enhancements.
Omni-Enhancements will randomly give your aliens plasma abilities. You can choose to use an enhanced
form by sneaking when your about to transform. Lastly, this Omnitrix fixes it's flaws, like removing the randomizer,
and the malfunctions, and adds improvements like, quick change and detransformation (without master control)

Season 3 Omnitrix
To get this variant of the Omnitrix, You need to go into settings and reboot your Omnitrix.
this variant removes the enhanced forms but replaces 3 aliens with 3 new ones.

Season 4 Omnitrix
To get this variant of the Omnitrix, You need to return to the pod where you first found your Omnitrix.
When You walk up to it, there should be green particles emerging from the pod and inside you'll find the Omnitrix Key.
The key will allow you to upgrade the Omnitrix, giving you a new alien, and a bunch of other new features.

Omni-Kix Armors
When in alien form, rotating the Omnitrix symbol on your chest will give you an armored suit with possible new abilities

Omni-Naut Armors
When in Omni-Kix form, rotating the Omnitrix symbol again will give you an Omni-Orbital flight suit which is used
for space travel. The Omnitrix can also give you a space suit when in your base form as well.

Temporary Alien Access
This feature allows you to access locked alien pods and unlock them temporarily.
There are 20 aliens in total.

Creating The Antitrix
to get the Antitrix you first need to have 30 xp levels or more,
once you do, craft a stack of blueprints and a pen. Hold the blueprints in your off hand
while holding the pen in your main hand, right-click and you'll get instructions to craft the Antitrix's componets.
You need 1 strap, 1 core, and 4 antennas to craft the Antitrix.

The Antitrix
at first you start off with 10 aliens. Their hybrid mutations make them slightly stronger than their Omnitrix counterparts.
The Antitrix lacks a settings option, but has perks like:
-a longer timer
-no randomizer
-being removable
-being able to unlock more than 10 aliens
-quick change
Also Tampering with the device can start a malfunction that puts the user in an inescapable transformation loop,
So be careful. lastly, with an Omnitrix Key, the user can unlock Celestialsapien DNA.


OS, UAF, and OV alien skins were made by "Matterfall's Ben 10 Addon" but were edited by me

Most reboot alien skins were made by SlenderZBR's "Ben 10 Reboot Addon" but were edited by me

Tips, Tricks, and Secrets
    • The Reboot setting resets your Omnitrix, removing any extra DNA pods, Master Control, and all malfunctions

    • If you tamper with the Omnitrix, there's a small chance you will unlock Master Control

    • If Stuck in a transformation loop, you can use your Galvan form to hack and reboot your Omnitrix

    • Transforming into your 11th alien may trigger a transformation loop malfunction

    • During recharge mode, your Omnitrix will recharge faster if your at low health

    • The DNA Repair function can cure Zombie Villagers but will drain your Omni-Energy

    • When hacking the Omnitrix as a Galvan, there's a small chance you will be able to access Master Control or unlock a new alien pod
    • Tampering with the Antitrix can rarely unlock new aliens
    • Dark Matter can be used to reset the Antitrix, removing any malfunctions

    • CHEATS

    • Timeout Omnitrix- "/scoreboard players set @s Timer 5"

    • Recharge Omnitrix- "/scoreboard players set @s Timer 6000"

    • Unlock Gax- "/scoreboard players tag @s add Gax"

    • Unlock Master Control- "/scoreboard players tag @s add MasterControl"

    • Trigger Transformation Loop- "/scoreboard players tag @s add Glitch"

    • Unlock Amalgam form- "/scoreboard players tag @s add Fusion"
    • Unlock Bashmouth- "/scoreboard players tag @s add Bashmouth"
    • Unlock Humungoraptor- "/scoreboard players tag @s add Raptor"
    • Unlock Omni-Kix Armors "/scoreboard players tag @s add OmniKey"
    • Unlock Omni-Naut Suits "/scoreboard players tag @s add Omninaut"
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

10 Update Logs

6.0 : by Lucraft Legacies 06/23/2024 9:26:16 pmJun 23rd

-Reduced the strength of several powerhouse aliens
-Reduced swim and flight speed for aqua and flight aliens
-Heatblast and Hotshot extinguish if their powers are overused
-Fixed Xlr8 and Rush's speed not working
-fixed Cannonbolt and Wreckingbolt's sphere form hurting the player
-Gave Cannonbolt and Wreckingbolt step assist
-fixed Omni-Enhanced Cannonbolt's ground smash
-Updated Greymatter and Dark Matter's designs
-Gave Gax explosive laser vision
-Fixed Omni-Enhanced Wildvine's 'Plant Barrier' ability
-Reduced Jetray's sprint speed
-Fixed Omni-Kix Humungousaur's 'Energy Breath' ability
-Fixed the Omnitrix deleting off-hand items when switching aliens
-Gave Alien X and Alien V explosive laser vision
-Many small changes and bug fixes

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09/01/2024 7:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ben10 minecraft
06/30/2024 8:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I wonder what ideas u have for all ur addons are to expect any new ones or reworked ones?
06/29/2024 6:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Peak pack

Have plan to update The Boys addonpack?
Lucraft Legacies
06/30/2024 2:06 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Crafter
Yeah, I'm currently working on a revamp.
06/24/2024 12:48 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Its not working on kindle. 😣
06/27/2024 5:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
not suppose to its for "java edition" kindle would be pocket edition
Ioiaee 123
06/08/2024 10:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Я могу с педжав лаунчера скачать мод
Это датапак?
Lucraft Legacies
06/24/2024 12:49 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Crafter
No. It's a Lucraft Addon for the 1.12.2 Lucraftcore mod.
05/05/2024 10:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is it working with other addonpacks in a server?

I try to made my server with matterfall's and this addon but this addon had not working.

Sorry by my bad english.
Lucraft Legacies
05/06/2024 3:49 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Crafter
This addon most of the time isn't compatible with other addons in servers. So you're probably gonna have to ditch Matterfall's addon or mines.
