Minecraft Mods

Heroic Armory

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skeddles's Avatar skeddles
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
This mod adds hundreds of recognizable weapons to Minecraft that you can find in chests for you to use, collect, display or trade! Make adventuring fun again!

Currently features over 280 weapons from

  • Heroic Armory Minecraft Mod Legend of Zelda
  • Heroic Armory Minecraft Mod Monster Hunter
  • Heroic Armory Minecraft Mod Skyrim
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Adventure Time
  • Soul Calibur
  • Realm of the Mad God
  • Runescape
  • and more!*

* Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, God of War, Devil May Cry, Fire Emblem,
Kingdom Hearts, Kirby, Pokemon, Bleach, Nethack, Merlin (ABC), the
internet and mythology

You'll find these weapons randomly in
different chests throughout Minecraft. They all have different stats,
but as of now they are just regular Minecraft weapons like a sword.
Though some are much bigger! All of the art is custom-made for this mod.

As of right now, none of the weapons can
be crafted. They are special loot that you gain from adventuring. All
of the weapons are relatively lore-friendly, meaning there's no guns,
energy swords, light sabers, etc. Even if you don't recognize all/any of
the sources, this mod is still great because it adds a ton of cool
unique weapons!


  • 283 different weapons to find in chests
  • each weapon has different damage, durability and rarity
  • configuration options to disable weapons, scale damage, change rarity

In my opinion, it's better to not know what all the weapons are so you can be pleasantly surprised when you find them, and aren't looking for a specific one. So view at your own peril:

Spoiler - click to reveal
Click to reveal
Merlin (abc)

Here are images from all of all of the sprites: 1.0 weapons 1.1 weapons

And here is a link to a table with all of the stats

This mod literally just adds items, so I can't imagine it would be incompatible with anything. It will add items to any loot table with "chest" in the name, so it may add them in chests from other mods too (to see which loot tables get modified look at your log). If you find any mods that are specifically compatible/incompatible, let me know!

You may use this in any modpack.

  • 1.2 (10/10/18) - 72 new weapons from terraria, skyrim, monster hunter, star wars, nethack, the internet, merlin; config options to disable weapons, adjust rarity, scale damage.
  • 1.1.3 (9/6/18) - fixed crashes1.1 (9/4/18) - 46 new weapons from Runescape, Legend of Zelda, Dark Souls, God of War, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, Kirby, Pokemon, Bleach and mythology; Some stat adjustments
  • 1.1.1 (9/5/18) - fixed a spelling error
  • 1.1.2 (9/6/18) - removed unnecessary code
  • 1.0 (8/28/18) - Release with 130 weapons

Future Plans

Nothing is set in stone, and I learned the bare minimum of java to throw this together, so depending on what I can figure out, what people help me with, and what I have time for, here's what I see:

Loads more weapons from different series / originals
different attack speeds / reach
Enchantment effects on weapons
Ability to repair items
Bows, armor, shields, saddles, tools etc.
Special weapon effects (projectiles, particles, sfx, etc)

If you know how to do any of this and would like to help out, check out my source code here: https://github.com/skeddles/heroicarmory (be warned, i use node.js to generate the java code). Feel free to message me here, minecraft forums, or send me an email through my website.

Support future development by clicking follow, favorite or donate on curseforge, or share it with your friends!

About the Author

My name is Sam Keddy aka Skeddles. I usually make pixel art and websites, but minecraft is my favorite game. I've wanted to make mods for a while, but I hate java. I decided to try this as I knew adding simple items isn't too complicated, and I can easily expand it, and I think despite it's simplicity, can make minecraft more fun.

To see more of my work, check out SamKeddy.com or follow me on Twitter.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

1 Update Logs

Heroic Armory 1.2.0 : by skeddles 10/10/2018 4:45:09 pmOct 10th, 2018

configuration options
disable by series
disable by type
disable individual
change loot chance
change rarity scale
change damage scale

new weapons
+49 terraria weapons
+23 skyrim weapons
+15 monster hunter weapons
+11 star wars weapons
+4 nethack weapons
+1 internet weapon
+1 merlin (abc) weapon

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12/08/2018 4:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
The666Cipher's Avatar
why are the swords so weak
12/10/2018 1:48 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
skeddles's Avatar
They're made to go with vanilla, some of them are more than twice as strong as a diamond sword. If you want them to be stronger though, you can change the damage scale in the options which will multiply the amount of damage they do.
10/15/2018 12:39 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Avenged1994's Avatar
10/10/2018 5:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
skeddles's Avatar
Just released version 1.2! Lots of new weapons and now has config options!
10/04/2018 9:09 am
Level 46 : Master Modder
Nielsstrychi's Avatar
Good concept!
09/24/2018 8:15 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
mouse36's Avatar
So, how did you make this? Is it commands? Textures?
09/24/2018 8:17 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
mouse36's Avatar
wait. mod. sorry.
