Minecraft Mods

LDShadowLady's Flower Breeding Mod

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Level 45 : Master Princess
LDShadowLady's Flower Breeding Mod
This mod allows you to cross-pollinate vanilla flowers to create different flowers in a variety of colours (and candles).

How to Use:

  1. Craft an empty pollen jar to begin, use it to right-click a vanilla flower to collect pollen.
  2. Transfer the pollen onto another vanilla flower to receive seeds.
  3. Plant the seeds like vanilla crops and wait for them to bloom
  4. Harvest fully-grown flower crops for place-able flowers

  • Flower seeds and flowers can be composted
  • Flowers can be used to farm dye
  • Flower crops require similar growing conditions to wheat and bone meal can be used to speed their growth
  • This mod also contains some candles, which are crafted with a clay block, dye and string. They can be stacked like sea pickles.
💜Download for Minecraft Forge version 1.14.4
💙Download for Minecraft Forge version 1.15.2

A few of the hybrid flowers Pollination Cheat Sheet
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.14

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