Minecraft Mods

MC Server Soft // Server Manager for Windows

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Fiahblade's Avatar Fiahblade
Level 44 : Master Droid

Always wanted to have your own Minecraft server?

MC Server Soft allows you to host a Minecraft server from your computer with ease.

A clean and simple interface makes it easy to navigate through server settings and functions. You're only two clicks away from modifying your settings! Maintaining a server was never this easy.

It all started as a tool to help me host my own server. MC Server Soft has become a hobby and a dedication, which I still love working on.


  • Multiple instances
  • CraftBukkit, Spigot, PaperSpigot, TacoSpigot, BungeeCord and Waterfall compatible
  • Organized dashboard & settings
  • Built-in updates
  • ...
More features (in-depth): www.mcserversoft.com/features

Upcoming Features

  • Player Manager
  • Maintenance mode
  • Remote instances
  • ...


All changelogs: www.mcserversoft.com/changelogs
Documentation: www.mcserversoft.com/documentation


Downloads can be found at the top right corner of this topic (yellow buttons). Or you
can find them on www.mcserversoft.com

To be clear this program is free to use, no limitations and without ads!
Port forwarding is required.

Support / Contact

Visit the website: www.mcserversoft.com
Visit the documentation: www.mcserversoft.com/documentation

Join Discord

MC Server Soft // Server Manager for Windows Minecraft Mod
Need help, want to talk, meet other server owners? https://mcserversoft.com/discord

Diamond / Favorite / Comment / Subscribe
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.1

36 Update Logs

Updated to 13.0.0 : by Fiahblade 08/04/2022 3:13:25 pmAug 4th, 2022

Skipped a few updates, view the website for the full history.

Make sure you have these 2 dependencies! More info.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86)
Version 13.0.0 (August 1, 2022)

  • Added official support for Purpur
  • Added Timeless scheduled tasks
  • Scheduled tasks can now be manually triggered
  • Integrated player options into the dashboard
  • Changes to the whitelist, ops & banned editor are now realtime
  • Added offline player UUID support
  • Added option to copy the server guid from the Server menu strip
  • Added option to open /logs from the Workspace menu strip
  • Added option to hide server icon from server tabs
  • Added option to hide server status from server tabs
  • Added additional options & features to the file editor
  • Remote API now uses API Keys
  • New servers can now be imported by their .bat file
  • Added a server startup debugger that will show why a server start failed (WIP)
  • Added error state to input boxes to the server settings window (will slowly be implemented elsewhere)
  • Added Bat file validator

  • Entire UI overhaul + new logo
  • Refreshed most server icons
  • Updated look and feel of charts
  • Better support for DPI scaling on large resolution monitors
  • Scheduled tasks are now grouped by timing type
  • Scheduled tasks are now ordered by time/interval
  • Simplified settings file save panel
  • Improved Server Group Actions controls
  • The taskbar icon is now shown on startup
  • Compression high is now the backup's default setting
  • Text editors now have search capabilities
  • Improved Server Group Actions controls
  • Web panel interface overhaul
  • CraftBukkit has been marked as legacy software

  • Improved plugin loading on big servers
  • The server version in server tabs is now hidden by default on new installations
  • Reduced event false triggering (optimized event handling)
  • Drastically improved used memory usage by mcss
  • Improved Windows toast notifications
  • Reduced SSL warnings
  • Api server can now be restarted on the fly
  • You can use escape/ESC to close the search overlay
  • You can now press enter to jump to the next search occurrence
  • Text editors now have proper undo & redo capabilities
  • Web panel users can now be edited

  • Fixed crash when trying to determine version on invalid waterfall jar
  • Fixed Plugin Manager not being able to enable/disable all plugins
  • Fixed incorrect Saved Commands window subtitle
  • Fixed window getting stuck on the background when opening from a minimized state
  • Fixed ampersands not getting displayed correctly
  • Fixed scheduler not queuing tasks at server start
  • Fixed issue after renaming the server's path
  • Fixed timed scheduler crash after deleting a server
  • Fixed server .jar./bat mismatch on server import
  • Fixed memory chart issue with bedrock servers
  • Fixed open folder issue
  • Fixed numerous other small issues & typos
  • Fixed player login conflict resulting in an incorrect player list
  • Fixed backup failure on invalid backup names (eg. containing \ / : * ? " < >|) -> you still need to rename these backups manually
  • Fixed ip copy to clipboard failure when spamming
  • Fixed manual server properties window not fetching the correct version
  • Fixed form forgetting maximized state after restoring from task tray
  • Fixed config read error upon new install
  • Fixed crash when closing the splashscreen early
  • Fixed messageboxes appearing behind the splashscreen

  • Server actions from server menu strip
  • Removed selected arrow on servers page
  • Removed blinking effect from starting/stopping servers
  • Removed Whitelist, Ops, Banned players & ips from the toolbox (now on the dashboard)
  • Removed WebPanelCaching setting
  • Removed stats fadeout effect
  • Removed v11 backwards compatibility (EOL)

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04/21/2022 3:27 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Hey, can you send me a video of Windows Defender scanning the folder of this? I don't really trust this and I feel like it's a program meant to be capable of adding a backdoor into my PC or MC server or something else like that.
05/26/2020 2:36 pm
Level 41 : Master Batman
SirBatonian's Avatar
Love it!
Virginian Railway Productions
05/24/2020 10:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Engineer
Virginian Railway Productions's Avatar
Woah that’s cool this really could help with me trying to fix my server and start a completely new server thanks for making this for everyone
04/20/2019 10:05 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Dragonhunter880's Avatar
Where do I find the server.jar?
Please Help.
04/21/2022 3:21 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
what version are you looking for?
07/31/2018 12:17 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist
Yeeters_'s Avatar
Hello Again! I still love your software. I've been a supporter for about 3-4 years now and I'm liking how far you've gotten on this program. really looking forward to the 1.13 updated with this program!
06/29/2018 9:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LeKoopa92's Avatar
HILFE!!! Krieg dieses Programm NICHT HERUNTER!!!

Bitte Hilft mir

PS: Danke im Voraus
04/21/2022 3:23 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Meine Frage an Sie lautet wie folgt:
Warum, warum laden Sie dieses Programm nicht herunter?
(Englisch unter)(English below)
My question to you is as follows:
Why, why not download this program?

04/09/2018 6:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jordan111's Avatar
When I try to use the console in-game, it keeps saying unknown command type /help for help when i try to op myself. Is there a way to fix this?
04/09/2018 9:59 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Crafter
Bexy26's Avatar
How do I join? I Have the IP i paste it in and it says Can't Connect To Server please help me :(
