Minecraft Mods

[Plugin]BungeeSign [1.12]

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CrymCrym's Avatar CrymCrym
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
[Plugin]BungeeSign [1.12] Minecraft Mod

Bungeen is a plugin that connects to another Minecraft server by right-clicking a signboard.

Installation method
Please put jar in the plugins folder.
Note: It is recommended that you use a protection plug-in such as LWC or WorldGuard.
Required plugin BungeeCord.

1. Create signbord.
[Plugin]BungeeSign [1.12] Minecraft Mod
line1 [bungeen] Fixed character string
line2 hub Specify server name to be used with /server command
line3 IP address used for status check
line4 25565 Port used for status check

2. Reload. Input the /bungeen reload command in the chat field and press the Enter key.

3. Other command.
/bungeen reload - Reload the configuration.
/bungeen setname [server name] [value] - Set the display value of the first line of the signboard.
/bungeen setcomment [server name] [value] - Set the display value of the last line of the signboard.
/bungeen setprotocoltype [server name] [default|legacy] - default:Client version 1.7 or later legecy:Other than default
/bungeen remove [server name] - Remove the setting of the specified server name.
/bungeen addmember [server name] [playername] - Everyone can pass before this command is executed.If more than one player is added, only those who are added can pass.
/bungeen delmember [server name] [playername] - Delete players permitted to pass through.Everyone can pass if everyone is deleted.
/bungeen delallmember [server name] - Delete all players permitted to pass through.Everyone can pass if everyone is deleted.


Only the op can perform setting work.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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10/01/2017 4:57 am
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