Minecraft Mods

Tiger shark - Figura mod

  • 7,788 views, 13 today
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Level 44 : Master Skinner
How to use this model?

1. Dowload mod The Figura.
2. Install this mod in minecraft.
3. Launch minecraft.
4. Open the archive and take out the desired folder.
5. After launching, the figura folder will appear in the minecraft folder.
6. Open the folder and open the avatars folder.
7. Place the model folder in the avatars folder.

Thank you all for downloading!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

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03/09/2024 5:55 am
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
Is there a way to install it on PE Minecraft? I have now idea how to install anything on Minecraft
10/05/2023 8:55 pm
Any/All • Level 6 : Apprentice Goblin
Tiger shark Minecraft Skin (planetminecraft.com)

Link to skin required for this figura model.

Good model but you havent listed the skin required for the model so i linked it here incase anyones confused.
