Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

-Hibonachi Kingdom Unification Adventure Map- (Custom NPCs)

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Dynamite99's Avatar Dynamite99
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Tired of regular adventure maps? Minecraft isn't cutting it for you? Are mods getting boring and serving no purpose?

Hibonachi Kingdom Unification Adventure Map

This isn't your ordinary adventure map. I have added Custom NPCs by Noppes into a huge map with a storyline. All you need is the mod, and this map! Grab a buddy or go solo in an adventure you probably haven't seen before. This map includes over 30 custom NPCs using Noppes's amazing mod, quests, custom trades, a currency system, hiring workers, a thought out lore, bosses, custom enemies, and much much more!

GET THE MOD HERE!---->bit.ly/13wy7hH

GET THE TEXTURE PACK! --->bit.ly/16584SJ

The List of Custom NPCs i made in this map:

1) Citizens: Come in many varieties

2) Traders: Blacksmiths, Food traders, Utility traders, Bargainers

3) Assassins: Depend on the region of the world

4) Nagas: Forest Nagas, Plains Nagas, Aquatic Nagas, Fire Nagas, Cave Nagas

5) Orcs: Neutral Orcs, Agressive Orcs, Trading Orcs, Orc mercanaries

6) Official Guards: spearmen, axemen, bowmen, swordmen

7) Mages: Trading Mages, Civilian Mages

8) Quest Givers: Too many to explains

9) Hunting Traders: Lone Traders have been added

10) Dragons: Dragons that you can fight for quests!

Many more to be added!

The North consisted of mostly small villages and farming towns. They had high production, yet a small military. The South had a big military and big towns. The North supported the idea of expansionism, growing the empire wide over new lands and seas. The South supported isolationism, fortifying the nation's land and not interfering with others. After a few years, the nations' power started to crumble. The North was being overrun by foreign powers and monsters. Their military power wasn't enough. The South was running low on food and supplies, which lead to big famines, causing their land to be overrun. Nagas, Orcs, Bandits, Monsters, and other foreign powers now own much of what used to be the Hibonachi Nation. It is up to you and your friends along your journey to help re-unite the great kingdom of HIbonachi. Can you do it before other foreigners destroy what others have worked so hard for?

Additional Notes

CreditNoppes NPC mod ----> http://bit.ly/13wy7hH
Progress30% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Dynamite99 08/20/2013 9:05:54 pmAug 20th, 2013

Updated Map to 1.6.2 (Not download or texture pack, will update soon)

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07/09/2017 8:11 pm
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07/09/2017 8:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Dynamite99's Avatar
sorry i dont really touch on Custom NPCs anymore as its kinda dead. Im working on a similar project on my server however.
07/09/2017 8:56 pm
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07/09/2017 9:25 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Dynamite99's Avatar
Thank you! Yeah i saw you online. Hope you stick around!
11/24/2013 5:52 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Dynamite99's Avatar
I kinda abandoned the project but I will pick it up soon. The area I am fixing currently is a tad boring and had no motivation to continue
10/16/2013 5:30 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Dynamite99's Avatar
Project is still being fixed but very slowly. Sorry guys, highschool is a lot of work.
08/27/2013 7:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mutray's Avatar
no problem
08/26/2013 9:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mutray's Avatar
I think it's a little miss leading to say find another way in then the secret way in is just to jump off a tree, but other than that this map is amazing, very detailed and the best custom npc map i could find. well done, im not sure if you're looking for advice or help but if you are i can come up with a few ideas, one thing i would love for you to put in a cave around the side of the castle so that you have too go through an adventurous cave that ends up inside the castle from a little hatch door inside the wall of the castle
08/26/2013 1:39 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Dynamite99's Avatar
Hey thanks so much! Means alot! I put lots of work. The copy I released isnt even 1/4 of the whole map when its done. I will use that idea because I believe I need to rework the castle a bit. Ideas would be so helpful thank you!
08/25/2013 3:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mutray's Avatar
How do i get into the castle?
