Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[1.10] Blade Art Offline UPDATE!! [BETA v1.0] by Tetsuo Arakawa

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Tetsuo Arakawa's Avatar Tetsuo Arakawa
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
BETA v1.0


-HP Bars
-texture pack (credits to XS Sheep)
-Scholar (Mage) Profession
-Skeletal Titan Boss
-New Incomplete Village


https://www.dropbox.com/s/wp2xstzus99lnxw/Blade Art Offline v1.0.rar?dl=0


I will have to abandon this project to make an improved one,with multiplayer support and more SAO-like features
it will be called "Blade Art Offline: Rebirth"I will take my sweet time with this one.
I will finish every class before the BETA release.

I am working on it now. It will feature gates (green Holograms where you step into to go to the other zone) like in SAO.
There will also be a better UI for ease of use.Thank you for your support,see you in a few weeks or so!


Past Version:
Spoiler - click to reveal
BETA v0.1

I don't know how to make a poll so...Please choose between the following classes you wanna see in the next update!

-Archer (Rogue's Partner)

Welcome to BAO BETA 0.1!!

=====HOW IT WAS MADE=====

Now,before I get to the in-game features,I'll discuss the story before I made this map.

This started two years ago,when I was just 12 years old. I was bored
with Minecraft and craved something new,but I wanted to keep the
Minecraft feel,so I tried Cube World,but Cube World didn't have the same
aspects as Minecraft,so I played some RPG maps and anything I could
find just to get the spark back. But to no avail.

I didn't like much of em,so I thought "Why not make my own!?" so I
searched online how to make maps for Minecraft 1.7-1.8. I saw some
tutorials on Redstone,which was my first attempt. It started good,but PC
got wiped after 5 months. So after a year,my mom got a laptop. I got
Minecraft AGAIN and made it all again. That's when I found out about
command blocks. I only knew how to teleport players and how to give
items,and also (obviously) /time. It was good,but I was missing A LOT.
so I learned from Dragnoz. Everything was A WHOLE LOT BETTER. I got
everything I needed. BUT... PC got wiped AGAIN because of water.

This brings us to now. I am now 14,I learned a lot. But this time,I have someone who helped design the art;Kazuya Hitoroshi

And now,I present this map to you.


There is no particular storyline. You make your own.

This is inspired by:
Sword Art Online
Monster Hunter
And a few I don't remember.

But please keep in mind,this is just a BETA. Only the Rogue has been Developed. The next will be the Archer.

The BETA testers of this BETA version who will reach Lv.50 will receive a reward in the next update,Maids and a Rideable Wyvern.

and yes,these are custom mobs. Just comment down below if you have
reached the Level,and I will PM you the password for the rewards that
will be given in the next update.

P.S. this is just 5% of the game complete,so please report any bug you find. And no WorldEdit was used.


Current Features:
-A map made all in Vanilla Minecraft.
-Custom skills,custom weapons,custom items,custom mobs and custom voice-over.
-Nobody will be able to go into Creative mode.
-Handmade Houses,Trees,Bushes,and Dungeons.

Upcoming Features:
-New Class
-Brand new Village
-Weapon Crafting
-Rideable Pet Polar Bear (Archer-Exclusive)
-Maids and Wyverns (BETA 0.1 Testers-Exclusive)
-Elytra flyby
-More Mobs +Skeleton King
-More Weapons
-PHOENIX!! (Rideable and Tamable)


https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwxw6fa3n4zink8/Blade Art Offline.rar?dl=0


You will start your Adventure with 0 Coppers,0 Silvers,and 0 Gold.

How to Get Money:

-Kill Goblins and Skeletons to get Goblin Fangs and Bone Sheets. Sell them to the Material Merchant afterwards.

Where to Find Goblins and Skeletons:

-Goblins are found in the camp site in Arian Forest

-Skeletons are found in the Misc./Skeleton Dungeon

How to Get More Gear:

-Visit the Blacksmith to get (currently) one new weapon,a sheath and two pieces of armor.

-There is also a Potion Merchant for all your Recovery Needs.

How to get Silver and Gold Coins:

-Go to the Convertion Merchant to convert 64 coppers for 1 silver and 64 silver for 1 gold.

If you are a YouTuber:

-Please make a video (if you can) about your first Impressions on this game.

If not:

-Please comment about your first impressions on this game.

I suggest using Shaders and/or Shaders texture pack (for low-end PCs) to get the maximum Realistic and RPG effect.


Wingless Seraph


Kazuya Hitoroshi

-Class Design,Ideas and Support

Tetsuo Arakawa (Me)

-Everything in-game.


Thank you for Download Blade Art Offline BETA v0.1

Happy Hunting!

EDIT:If you would like to re-distribute this mod,please give credits and post the link to this post at the very end of your post

EDIT EDIT: Drop the skill to activate it. haha
CreditTetsuo,Kazuya,Wingless Seraph
Progress5% complete

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01/24/2019 4:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AvvasG's Avatar
When to Launch the New Version Rebirth?
09/06/2016 9:59 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
EnderScar's Avatar
Very unique style. Im getting ready to play it.
Tetsuo Arakawa
09/06/2016 10:38 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
Tetsuo Arakawa's Avatar
Thanks! and yeah,I made it hard intentionally,so people could flex their fingers =P
