Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

50 Subscribers Special | Custom Capes - Only One Command

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Code202's Avatar Code202
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Hello! Again, we shall celebrate 50 subs! Today, I've made awesome customisable capes, that will stick to your back, and you can give them any design you want!

Click here for the command!

Custom Cape - Black Banner + Nether Star
All recipes are floor crafting

To equip your cape, put the Custom Cape item in the ninth slot of you hotbar (the last slot). This will equip your
new cape! The cape will first be black, but this can easily be changed! Also, your cape will not appear while wearing
an elytra. Below, you can find out how to customise your cape!

Banner Stand Showing:
If you don't like resource packs or your fine with the stand showing, then you don't need to do this, but to
make everything look alot better, you can go here to download an install a resource pack which removes the
banner stand!

How To Customise Your Cape:
Equip your cape.
You will need to go to this site.
After you are there, create your banner design.
When your done, you will see five buttons underneath Generate Code.
Click on /replaceitem and then copy the command.
Paste this command into a command block.
Go to the start of the command, and replace where it says "@p" with "@e[name=cape,c=1]"
Put the command block on always active, then click done.
There, you cape has been changed!
If you want the cape in the screenshot, go here!

By Code202

For 1.10
Progress100% complete

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07/14/2016 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cool_Dude532442's Avatar
Hey i fixed it the the command that is purple needs to changes to ligth blue!
07/14/2016 5:14 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Code202's Avatar
No idea what you mean, but at least its working for you! :)
07/13/2016 8:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cool_Dude532442's Avatar
I dont get it!! Tell me how you do it! it makes the banner flots on my above my head!
07/14/2016 1:29 am
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Code202's Avatar
If it floats above your head then your probably in the wrong version, or when you tried the /replaceitem command you didn't put in the right command. It does take a bit of command block knowledge, I'm sorry, so I will just quickly in depth explain how to do it.

First go to the website needcoolshoes.com/banner
Design your banner an then you will see a green button in the bottom right hand corner that says /replaceitem
Click on this and then copy the command in the box below.
Paste the command into a command block
While in the command block, go to the start of the command and replace "@p" with "@e[name=cape,c=1]"
Click done and then activate the command block, and make sure you activate it while wearing the cape!

Hope this helped!
