Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Adventure rpg - Jalaric

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Marty16's Avatar Marty16
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
Tell me what you think about it. I used Jamziboy's edit of John smiths texturepack.

My friends Tidondor, rene, nemerol2 and Gielspons helped.

Texturepack: http://www.mediafire.com/?92ljjlgh2m1g98r

This is not my texturepack i didn't make it. :P

Once there was a peaceful country somewhere in the middle of the ocean. The country was founded by the eldest person of the already known world. And that is how this country was born. They called the country Jalaric. But when there were too many people, they needed to expand their habitat, so they decided to build cities and villages all over the Island. So they travelled to the other side the island and made villages and cities everywhere they could. But it all went wrong when they decided to name someone King of Jalaric. That was the moment when people weren't free to do what they wanted to do anymore. The King let people build him a city so big that you could see it from a very far distance. Almost from all over the Island. After fifteen years of captivity by the king, some people decided to create a rebellion. There have been many attempts to kill the King, but all of them were in vain.
Progress5% complete

17 Update Logs

Update #17 : by Marty16 12/09/2012 9:52:39 amDec 9th, 2012

Added 7 pictures, the first part will be released soon.

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12/10/2012 3:26 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
jscooly555's Avatar
I have been invited and have the password to the server, but I cant use hamachi. Please help. I would like to help out!
12/11/2012 5:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tidondor's Avatar
You need to go to this link: https://secure.logmein.com/products/Hamachi/download.aspx and click on unmanaged download. Download and install it. Then go to the Hamachi window and click on network. Then click on connect with an existing network or something. Then type in the name and password and you are in the hamachi server. Then go to minecraft multiplayer and click on add server. The name does not matter. The ip are the first numbers before the /. Add the server and you are ready to go. :) hope this helped. Message me if you need more help.

With regards

12/09/2012 9:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jarhgulf's Avatar
11/28/2012 8:39 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
1337c0w's Avatar
Could I play this as a Survival RPG, or would it lose something?
12/01/2012 11:32 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
Marty16's Avatar
What do you mean with"lose something" as in spoiling the story once its finished or ????
12/01/2012 4:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
1337c0w's Avatar
I was wondering whether having full power to disable traps or build structures would make it less challenging or fun?
12/02/2012 2:17 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Dragon
Marty16's Avatar
yes it kinda would, but this project is not going to be fully finished.. I will finish like the "1st part". And you can do with the map after whatever you want. I dont know yet when it will be finished, did not worked much on it lately.
11/12/2012 1:28 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
jscooly555's Avatar
I am called an engineer cause I am great with redstone! I can't join the server cause its hamachi though even though I have the ip. I cant figure out hamachi.
11/12/2012 1:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tidondor's Avatar
You need to go to this link: https://secure.logmein.com/products/Hamachi/download.aspx and click on unmanaged download. Download and install it. Then go to the Hamachi window and click on network. Then click on connect with an existing network or something. Then type in the name and password and you are in the hamachi server. Then go to minecraft multiplayer and click on add server. The name does not matter. The ip are the first numbers before the /. Add the server and you are ready to go. :) hope this helped.

With regards

11/11/2012 11:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tidondor's Avatar
You found your server again mate:P and someone who will build with you.

Guys, its my server if you want to join it please send a message to me with your experience in minecraft and with your skype:)
