This Map is an entry in the completed Head into the Clouds Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Areadore - The Land Above The Sky

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Eithrial's Avatar Eithrial
Level 48 : Master Architect
"And then he passes out."

He finds himself lying face down in soft, wet, moss. As he turns his head slightly he becomes nauseous and slides into unconscious again. An unmeasured amount of time passes before he wakes up again, still sour, but strengthened and rested enough. Again he notices faint rhythmic sounds, and he tries to sit upright to find its source. Which is when he sees he finds himself on an island among the clouds. What is this? Where is he? This looks nothing like the world he originally came from! " What Steve didn't know, was that he didn't pass out...he was knocked out. *slow rhythmic breathing* Steve opens his eyes an inch, then fades to subconsciousness... he opens them again this time with more force. He sees light, masses of land covered in trees and surrounded by puffs of white.

He opens his eyes and puts his hands beneath him to lift himself up, as he lifts himself up he feels light headed and a weak throbbing on the back of his head. As he lifts himself his arms and legs shake from weakness and exhaustion. Steve, now standing up, looks around and the place he is in is unknown, but beautiful. He notices something he didn't notice earlier...there is a tall humanoid creature standing in front of him. He jumps back startled and begins to turn and run when the figure speaks, in a deep and soothing voice, "You need not fear me, young Steve." Steve stares at the man in shock and says nothing, the man is absolutely beautiful. He is dressed in what appears to be armour attached on top of a robe. The robe is silky smooth and blindingly white, laced with gold and diamond. The armour white trimmed with obsidian and gold. The detailing on the armour is breath-taking. The design on the armour seems to be every moving and changing, the only constant thing are the small metal wings on the shoulders. His face was blackness, his head clothed in a white and gold hood. The most amazing thing about the man were his massive and gorgeous wings. White with armour of their own, similar to the armour on the man's body, the wings radiated light and slowly flapped allowing the man to float. The man slowly glided towards Steve, reaching out his hand he said, "Take my hand Steve, I will give you the answers to your many evident questions."

Reluctantly, but out of options, Steve took the man's hand. There was a flash of light and a ear-shattered boom. After the shock and nausea wore off, Steve opened his eyes and realized they had teleported. The building he was now facing was was 3 stories tall, with dozens of sculpted turrets and very detailed carved walls. The man walked into the gaping mouth of the building, and Steve followed. Once inside the buildings size tripled, they were standing in a MASSIVE empty room..whether because those who built the building wanted people to be amazing by it's sheer size..or because they were too lazy to do interior. The man walks to the middle of the room where a book lays on the floor, a single beam of light breaching the ceiling bathing the book. He picks it up, turns around, and hands it to Steve. Steve hesitates then slowly reaches for the book and takes it, he opens it and the title reads, "The Story of Areadore"



When Areadore was first found, all the islands were frozen wastelands with little means of visible food supply. The High Council was established to begin remaking the world to make it habitable. Inside a small fortress (which is now a ruined fort in the Outer Capital) for 200 years a group of 500 researched and experimented methods of mass terraforming. After 200 years they finally created a prototype, Strykery Crystal, which when perfected would turn the frozen wastelands of Areadore into a lush, blossoming world with grass, trees, animals, and all forms of life. After another 45 years, the Strykery Crystal was ready to be tested. The test only proved that on a landmass so large, the Strykery Crystal could only slightly melt the top layer of snow. Another 50 years of research went by and they were ready for another continental test. The test, this time, proved much more promising. The Strykery Crystal melted all the snow and ice off the continent and thawed the dirt to the point where vegetation could begin to flourish. However, the Strykery Crystal could only stay running for 5 years before it had to stop and recharge for 2 decades. By the end of the 2 decades the continent had already mostly frozen back over. They decided they needed to learn how to use the world itself to power the crystals. Another 2,000 years of research brought forth the solution. Through a combination of solar, wind, hydro-power, and weak geothermal power, the Strykery Crystal was official perfected and could now turn the world into a warm and welcoming place. All three of the main continents had a Strykery Crystal. The north-western island, now called Lunar Isle, was left alone being as it was so far from the main landmasses it seemed too much work for little reward to cultivate it. With the Strykery Crystals, the world began to spring forth all types of life. All the way from algae to god trees.

The year is 1776, Areadore has just finalized its status as an official inhabited world. Areadore consists of three main continents as well as 2 mini-islands and many tiny ones. The South western island is home to the Capital City. The city is the centre of trade for all of the solar systems worlds. It has over 5.7b inhabitants living in it, and many more whom come and go on a daily basis. At the heart of the Capital City is the capital building, the building is 209x282x100 and takes up over 25% of the landmass. The capital building is surrounded by thousands of buildings, homes, shops, etc. The roads leading to the capital are guarded by towers that are cloaked in clouds, only the top can be seen, to outsiders it's a beautiful sight. The South-eastern continent is home to the farmlands. Here the worlds food supply is grown and harvested. There are currently 56 farms and 1.5 million farmers and farm hands. The Northern continent is home to the Outer Capital City, most just residential buildings and a few shops. There are currently 78.3b inhabitants.


The year is 3845, 845 years after the fall of Areadore. The world was invaded by beings from the lands of Indestria and Cryteo, two worlds that are filled with barbaric pirates. The invaders came through two portal rifts that were opened in Lunar Isle, apparently Lunar Isle wasn't as abandoned as first thought. Most all of Areadore's inhabitants were killed or kidnapped, its cities burned, it's world crumbled. With very few survivors, what's left of the world is beginning to fall apart, and retaken by nature. The Outer Capital City was completely destroyed. Being the first continent to make contact with the invaders, it took the hardest hit, and it's Strykery Crystal was completely destroyed. However, when the crystal was destroyed something unexpected happened, it exploded, and when it exploded it formed a rift to the world of Iceriune, a world of eternal winter with blistering ice storms pushed with winds up to 200mph. When the rift came into existence it was so large that it allowed the storms on Iceriune to enter Areadore and caused the Outer Capital city to be torn to pieces and frozen, kill every living thing that dared remain there. With the absence of people on the other continents, animals and nature have begun to retake them. The Farmlands, being important and also not very important, as they were the worlds food supply, but population and resources were scare, the invaders attacked it with a weak force while the main force went for the capital. While most of the farms were destroyed, there are still a good amount of farms and enough people to keep the continent's Strykery Crystal and food supply alive. The Capital was attacked what was left of the invaders main force, however they did not expect the capitals defence to be so strong. After the Battle for The Capital was finished, only 60% of the capital was destroyed, leaving it with enough buildings and people to still resemble a large village. Over the course of 150 years what remained of the buildings in the Capital City were repaired and the Strykery Crystal now pulses with full strength to protect the Capital from freezing. However, the lack of people has made it impossible to full restore and protect both the Capitals and the Farmland's Strykery Crystals, so the Farmlands crystal is beginning to fall apart, which is evident everywhere on the continent being as snow and starting to retake the continent in patches. With the devastation of the world still taking its toll, the Strykery Crystal are weakening with the sudden loss of most of the scientists and engineers, as well as the now overgrown areas blocking the wind power and shading the solar power, the future of the Areadorians hangs by a thread unless they act now, but in order to do so they will need help from whomever will give it.

Steve looked up at the man, sadness in his eyes. "Is this why you brought me here?" Steve asked. "Yes." Replied the man. "We need someone to help us in rebuilding our kingdom, and we believe you to be our best chance." He said. "Will you lend us your aide?"

To Be Continued...



undefined Rift Portal - Used as transporation between islands.

undefined Strykery Crystal - Used to transform the frozen world of Areadore to a lush wilderness.
undefinedLunar Isle - A small "ruined" village, said to be once infested with witches and creatures of demonic origin. After the fall of Areadore, Lunar Isle was closly investigated. The inhabitants had been wiped out during the war, but it turns out that the village did contain life, the inhabitants had homes built with intentintionly ruined upper floors to make people lose interest in the village.
undefinedMaritime Village - A small village on the north-eastern portion of the farmlands. All harvested crops are brought here, as well as all farming neccessities are sold in this trade village.

<~Tools Used~>
World Edit

EnderWorkbench - Cinematic

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
CreditEnderWorkbench for the Cinematic.
Progress100% complete

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Mine Maus Craft
06/01/2015 2:29 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
Nice work :-)
07/31/2014 12:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Tickandtock's Avatar
Hurray :D
07/31/2014 7:28 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Eithrial's Avatar
Yay <^,^>.  It looked great in the planning stage, but I kept having to restart the entire map because once it had a chunk error and it deleted almost all the clouds around one of the smaller main islands. The second time I planned quickly and it can out badly. Tbh I  am kind of disappointed with this build :< but I like the story lol
07/31/2014 7:30 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Tickandtock's Avatar
Yeah, I'm sorry :(
It still turned out good though! In my opinion! :)
07/31/2014 7:37 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Eithrial's Avatar
My new goal is to be a finalist :P I did pretty good on the spawn contest so I'm no too upset on this one. :P
07/31/2014 7:38 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
Tickandtock's Avatar
Oh you'll most definitely be a finalist :P
Rick Kent
07/30/2014 11:23 am
Level 47 : Master Elf
Rick Kent's Avatar
Wow this is an awesome project man, I really liked the time you spent on writing the story and I especially liked your excuse for not doing interior xD
Good job man
07/30/2014 3:38 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Eithrial's Avatar
Lol :P Thanks!
07/30/2014 10:32 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Craft's Avatar
been trying to get you to reply for like 6 months xD
its worse then trying to contact obama xD
also very nice map and nice pictures.
07/30/2014 3:38 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
Eithrial's Avatar
Sorry xD
