Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Assassin's Creed Adventure Map - Hebron

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Prey7L's Avatar Prey7L
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger


                    Assassin's Creed


- Settings:
- Introduction
- Quests
- Other Goals
- Credits

- Graphics: fast
- Render Distance: 13 or more
- Brightness: 70%
- Particles: all

Welcome in hebron, a beautiful trading city on the west of Israel. For Thousands of years, Hebron was under control of the family of sultan Al-Khalid. This very corrupt man needed to be stopped, bu no man ever was brave enough to fight him. Until now.

You are Letus, the 4th Assassin, son of Rhakil. It's your goal to free Hebron from it's misery and bring wealth back instead. This won't be an easy task.

There are 3 main quests in Hebron at the moment. I'm planning on making more.

The 3 quests are:
- Aquilus Tombs
- Palace
- Citizens Hide-out

As soon as you walk through the main gate, at your right you will see a small building. When you press on this button, you will be teleported to the quest-house. Once you push this bottun, look for a beacon beam. This will show you were the quest will start. Once you finished all three quests, the throne entrance will open. You will get in a room in which you need to prove your parkour skills.

Other Goals:
There are many things to do in Hebron. You can do parkour almost everywhere. Loot, armor and weapons can be found throughout the city, so are Holy Feather and emeralds. Be sure to post the amount of feathers/emeralds you found in the comments. You can also use your emeralds to buy new gear at the local shops.

Many thanks to my friend Craftio, who tested the map on bugs and also improved the beacon-sytem. I'd also like to thanks the old serfer I played on while working on this project. They inspired me to do this. There I also managed to come up with the building style I have today. Be sure to check them out on: mc.qboid.nl

You can use this map for whatever you want, but I only ask for a little annotation to this topic

Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

The 1.8 update : by Prey7L 09/19/2014 8:01:09 amSep 19th, 2014

Hi guys, I'm back with a big update for Hebron. Since the new 1.8 came out, I thought it was time for an update. I use a lot of the new stuff like coarse dirt and armor stands. Also I added more tree, leaves and vines. Roofs are changed and banner are added. Since a lot of people struggled to find the quest-house, I deleted the random note and made a teleport button to teleport you to the quest-house. I also did something with the new /summon command. Be sure to see more boses and more quests in future updates

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10/09/2014 6:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
coolestto's Avatar
You said "As soon as you walk through the main gate, at your left you will see a small building." I played the map and spent over half an hour looking for the building. I then realized that it was on the RIGHT. PLEASE learn your directions to avoid confusion. Thanks.
10/10/2014 4:31 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Prey7L's Avatar
+1 for your observation
09/19/2014 8:06 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Prey7L's Avatar
There's a new update, full of new features! Be sure to check it out!
09/14/2014 6:42 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Prey7L's Avatar
New update coming soon! 
Stay tuned!
09/13/2014 11:47 am
Level 43 : Master Spider Rider
SpiderMatty's Avatar
Seems cool
09/13/2014 1:14 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Prey7L's Avatar
If you have suggestions on things I should add in an update, be sure to reply
09/13/2014 1:39 pm
Level 43 : Master Spider Rider
SpiderMatty's Avatar
Maybe tp you to the mission center since I had quit a hard time finding it.
09/14/2014 3:43 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Prey7L's Avatar
Mhh, yeah, that would be a good one, thnx
04/02/2014 3:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Andonwego's Avatar
Is that a beacon system like in enderbent? The map looks great!
04/03/2014 10:01 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Prey7L's Avatar
I don't know what enderbent is to be honest ;) The beacon system just contains some pistons with some blocks, which will move when you done a quest, no rocket-science.
