Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Aurora Marketplace

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jellyfishes's Avatar jellyfishes
Level 24 : Expert Artist
The Aurora server player market, where players utilize the iConomy chest shop plugin to buy and sell items using our server's currency. It features around 40 plots and huge amounts of hidden lighting to avoid torch spam. Player spawn in the centerpiece, a large brick palace with a well-done interior and informative signs for any player to begin using the market.

At spawn, head to the left up the stairs to the warp house (on the right). The marketplace warp is on the left side of the first floor in the warp house.

Market built by rizhard and other members on the Aurora server.
Creditrizhard, Shenaniganery, mangaroll, zxfiaxz
Progress75% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by jellyfishes 08/08/2011 2:59:23 pmAug 8th, 2011

Added schematic. Note: some buildings may only be partially finished due to the fact that members are still working on their own shops. Also, keep in mind that if you use this on singleplayer you will not be able to buy/sell anything in these shops.

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08/08/2011 9:09 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Shenaniganery's Avatar
Dowload Singleplayer Commands, put the schematic in your schematics folder, and //load market then //paste
08/08/2011 9:08 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
gamer2person's Avatar
08/08/2011 9:05 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
gamer2person's Avatar
thanks alot how do i use a schematic
08/07/2011 4:13 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
gamer2person's Avatar
can u put this map up for download plz i would like to play it on singleplayer
08/08/2011 3:00 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
jellyfishes's Avatar
There you go! I added the schematic. :D
Please remember that since you're importing it into singleplayer that you will not be able to buy or sell from any of these shops.
