Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

BananaPieLord's Minecrafrt world Updated for 1.19.4

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Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
Hello and welcome to Bananapielord's Minecraft lets-play world!

This is the original world BPL played on when he began his minecraft lets play. Which was uploaded to youtube on September 13th, 2010. However this world was converted to the latest version of minecraft (as of writing this description) 1.19.4.

The goal for this project was to bring almost 1 million people who loved and grew up with this lets play a taste of the old mixed with new.
Not only was it a direct conversion. But it was also touched up on to bring some minor quality of life enhancements to the bananafort and other locations. The idea was to keep it 99% the same but make it accessible for people who want to use it for a survival world and beat the game with this map. The changes are listed below.


Changes and Q.O.L additions:

Full Ladders instead of every other block since its no longer possible to clime ladders that way.

The Banana S*xpress uses powered rails instead of the minecart boosting exploit which is no longer possible in minecraft

The waterslide is more functional! dw the boat stuck in the wall is still there.

A ladder was added to make it easier to enter and leave the fort.

All Iron doors now have pressure plates on both sides That means the hole in the glassturbation chamber was fixed

Beds were added in Both Home locations.

The farm has crops in it now!

Terrain chunk errors that would normally occur when converting an old world such as this was blended in to make a seamless transition between alpha terrain and the recent caves and cliffs update terrain.

Grass and flower patches were added to give the alpha area more of a modern feel while keeping its alpha terrain.


I Hope you enjoy revisiting this old fort. I will also include the download link to the original world as well! (Link from youtube channel drewCthepiggy71)

Use Alpha Version 1.2.2

CreditBananapielord for making a minecraft lets play series i grew up on. And drewCthepiggy71 for finding the world and releasing the download.
Progress100% complete

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12/31/2019 1:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can i get a rough version of when this map was created for others that might download this
08/30/2019 9:26 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
What a blast from the past!
08/27/2019 1:38 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
im sorry for the such along wait ;-; i am fixing this right now.
08/28/2019 3:34 am
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
Download fixed
06/11/2018 8:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I highly suggest you remove it from the bulk download version of mediafire and put it into one document so people can actually download the file without having to pay money for it. i am positive you will get downloads if you do that. thank you and have a nice day.
10/07/2017 5:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
i cant download because its on media fire and i have to have a membership so if you could use something else that would be great.
08/08/2017 3:10 am
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
yes i am aware about the download link thing and ill fix that
