Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Block Duplicator Machine

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Level 12 : Journeyman System
Block Duplicator Machine

- Make up to 8 fake blocks at once with only 1 real block that can be mined back after you finish!
- You can place real blocks in the place of the fake blocks without mining anything!
- Looks like you're really rich if you chose to duplicate diamond or emerald blocks!


1. Download the world save.
2. Unpack the .zip and place it in your /.minecraft/saves/ folder.
3. Open Minecraft (1.8.8 is the best - the block duplicator glitch mignt not happen in older/newer versions!).
4. Choose "Block Duplicator" from the singleplayer world list.
5. Play around with the machine!

The download is a Minecraft World Save, not a schematic!
Progress100% complete

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