Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Bloodborne Map (Yarnham under construction )

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Hogwarts_'s Avatar Hogwarts_
Level 45 : Master Herobrine
Soooo i have planed this project for a long time now and i have now starded, but i need help.
I need:
- Modelers
- Texturers
- Builders

If you are intrested and want to help with 1 2 3.
Then i want to se this from you

- Modelers - a model from the game in minecraft form

- Texturers - a block that looks like a stone pattern or something like that

- Builders - a Building or a area from Bloodborne ( just need to find a oicture from bloodborne and build it )
or build a gothic victorian building.
Progress5% complete

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LGSC team
09/02/2022 4:10 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Modder
LGSC team's Avatar
11/07/2016 2:43 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
ramzes222's Avatar
In the past I have also started a bloodborne map. I have made about half of central Yharnam and I developed a system fo Bloodborne-styled combat. I have also made some 3d-models (lamp, messanger and the saw cleaver). However, it was only an exercise before the real challenge: Dark Souls. You can find it here:
Right now I have developed a new, more stable and smooth system and I use it instead. I have never really posted the map anywhere and I don't intend to so you can have it:
Please note that I'm not going to expand the map or do any commands for you. I have my own, new project. But you are free to do anything you want (as long as you credit me) with my Bloodborne map.
11/18/2016 4:40 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
ramzes222's Avatar
Actually when I thought about it you are a much better builder than me!
Please don't discontinue this map! It's got the potential to be great!
12/05/2016 4:54 am
Level 45 : Master Herobrine
Hogwarts_'s Avatar
thanks for the map realy liked it maybe to bright collored blocks for bloodborne but it can be used i just have to over build it. thanks for the saw cleaver model and the lamp model as i can use it for a Bloodborne mod if its ok fr you of corse,,, and i am so sorry if my English writing isnt so good, cuz i like to wright fast.
please leava a comment below if i can use lamp and saw cleaver for a mod.
12/05/2016 11:03 am
Level 40 : Master Taco
ramzes222's Avatar
Of course you can! I would love to see a good bloodborne mod! If you really want to I can even make one or two models for it, now that I have Cubik Studio.
Please just try to finish this map (or mod) that you are making
Good luck!

One more thing: Can I have a look at the map that is in the photos? I really want to see more of it!
12/06/2016 2:11 pm
Level 45 : Master Herobrine
Hogwarts_'s Avatar
Shure but you can get the map but I was wandering if we should have Bloodsouls mod where we combind Bloodborne items,blocks and mobd with dark souls cuz its the same creator, I think it would be prietty cool.
and another thing i planed was that he map got to be a server and a Download as you can play it for your self and with others but it would be cool if you could choose on the server whitch story / game you can go to (the worlds are separate ) It would be cool, only wandering if you like the Idea and I am not a good modeler or texturer so I gues i could need some help
12/06/2016 2:25 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
ramzes222's Avatar
You shouldn't combine Bloodborne and Dark Souls. They may seem similiar, but in fact they are very different. Dark souls is slower, heavier and involves lots of blocking. Bloodborne is fast, you can't block, only dodge.

As for the map I'm working on a recreation of Dark Souls now and I'm going to keep it that way. I can offer a little help with your project, but only that much. Sorry, but I don't want to abandon what I have already started.

As for the server, it's a great idea! Once you make the map and a basic system you can make it into a server so that players can help or invade each other. But remember that a real server actually costs money and such server made through hamachi/aternos/lan will not work well.

Anyway, I ask once again: please send the map 😀
08/28/2016 8:00 am
Level 39 : Artisan Mountaineer
sijmen_v_b's Avatar
i can help you with a custom terrain on the outside like mountains ,rivers what ever you want custom trees etc.
08/31/2016 11:16 am
Level 45 : Master Herobrine
Hogwarts_'s Avatar
can i please se some off your custom terrain ?
08/31/2016 2:16 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Mountaineer
sijmen_v_b's Avatar
sure this is my latest map:


(al the terrain also comes not floaty)
09/02/2016 6:38 pm
Level 45 : Master Herobrine
Hogwarts_'s Avatar
thanks for showing me what you can and of what i see it lppks like ypu are a good terrain builder
and because you are the first one to say someting in the comments i just have to sai you can join the
Bloodborne Project.
