Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Brandenburg Gate/Brandenburger Tor Berlin

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Flowtogo's Avatar Flowtogo
Level 40 : Master Creeper Hugger
The Brandenburg Gate is the most famous landmark of Berlin. In the time when the German Democratic Republic existed noone had access to it because of the Berlin Wall. After the reunion of Germany the gate is THE symbol for freedom and the reunion in Germany.

The Quadriga (statue) on the gates roof has lots of details I can't copy in minecraft. I tried to do as best I could.
The roof is copper-covered, I think the cyan-wool in minecraft fits it best!

Maybe I will build the whole Paris Square (where the gate is located) with the U.S. embassy and all other buildings...
Progress100% complete

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09/30/2013 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NDMR's Avatar
with the upcoming version 1.7 I will run a museum server and be exhibit the best buildings.
May I copy this schematic to the German museum server?

07/07/2012 4:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pokémon
Ninitosa's Avatar
Cool gemacht ,great
02/10/2012 10:19 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Programmer
mcan's Avatar
Seen A lot better then this
02/12/2012 10:36 am
Level 40 : Master Creeper Hugger
Flowtogo's Avatar
Ok, that's no problem.

This one is in a very low scale. It is just a part of a very huge map, so if I would have chosen a higher scale, even the smallest building would have lots and lots of details, it simply is not possible to do my project better ;)

2 meters in reality are 1 block in this modell, so just show me a way, to reach a better result in this scale, please! (without any mods or texturepacks!) This is NOT done under help of any editor or mod!

But thanks for your comment, I hope you will answer once more!
01/30/2012 6:37 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
BeystormSoul1's Avatar
Cool! Cool! Cool!
