Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Calradia: The Land of Mount & Blade

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COOPERx223x's Avatar COOPERx223x
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
Hey everyone, Cooper here, with another WorldPainter project! This time, I'm going to be trying something a bit more challenging.
For any of you who have played the game Mount & Blade: Warband, this should be a very familiar sight. Calradia, a land filled with opportunity and disaster, of Kings and peasants, of kind words and hostile actions. This is the land where you work your way to the top, fighting against six other factions for the right to rule. It is here that I have chosen to create my next project.

As a disclaimer, this is going to be a very large map, even bigger than my last. This, along with some of the plans I have for it, means that this won't be done for quite a while. I'm simply posting it so I can keep everyone informed on the progress.

My goals for this project:
1) Draw out an accurate recreation of Calradia in WorldPainter.
2) Create detailed representations of the landforms featured on the in-game map of Calradia.
3) Build all towns, castles, and cities represented on the map of Calradia in Minecraft itself.

There it is, my three-step guide to success. Actually, there's a lot more to it than those three, but these are the major goals that will determine how soon this project is going to be finished. I've got a lot on my plate for this one, so stay tuned!

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CreditParadox Interactive and TaleWorlds Entertainment
Progress5% complete

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04/24/2016 2:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
pegunCZ's Avatar
01/20/2016 9:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Zombiekiller86's Avatar
When will this get finished?
Jack Carrier
11/12/2014 1:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jack Carrier's Avatar
Hey, I've been playin Mount and Blade for about a year now, and love the game. I have also been playing Minecraft since it was called Minecraft. I tried to make a minecraft map of Calradia on my own, but would love even more to have a partner alongside me. If you would take my offer, I would love to help you in the building stages of castles, cities, villages, and such. Reply if you have any questions or answers. :)
04/26/2014 12:01 am
Level 34 : Artisan Pokémon
MagreloDetonados's Avatar
This is gonna be great project, i'm waiting for him :)
04/27/2014 2:06 pm
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
COOPERx223x's Avatar
Thank you! I'll be honest, this will take quite a while, but I'll get there eventually :)
04/13/2014 12:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrCardrag's Avatar
is this a project you are still working on because if it is i would love to help you
04/16/2014 11:07 pm
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
COOPERx223x's Avatar
Just got your PM!
11/03/2013 4:12 pm
Level 44 : Master Mountaineer
Merlin_Warlock's Avatar
If you ever finish this, you deserve a grand prize! :O
11/11/2013 5:54 pm
Level 40 : Master Mountaineer
COOPERx223x's Avatar
Haha I don't know about a grand prize, but I certainly hope to finish this. I just can't say when, as it's not exactly my top priority, and I've been very busy lately.
07/31/2013 3:42 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Cipherus's Avatar
Good Luck Cooper :)
