Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Certamen Geli – The most elaborate ice-racing track

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Buildteam_Rubberduck's Avatar Buildteam_Rubberduck
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Hello there everyone. We are here with a project that we are very exited to present. Project Certamen Geli - a for-boat iceracing track that may be the most over-engeneerd one out there.

After having spent countless hours on designing the track without decorations, solely focusing on how it races; and after an afternoon spent on the aesthetics afterwards, we are here to present you project Certamen Geli (The Frosted Race). It contains two tracks. A main track, which takes roughly two and a half minutes to complete, and a smaller one of roughly half a minute a lap.

Honestly: both are quite easy to get addicted to, and a larger percentage than we would like of the over two hundred hours spent in the designing world was spent trying to set a new lap record.

Whilst designing this, we have discovered a few new techniques for ice-racing tracks: the most notable being a fail-proof elevator. You don’t slow down, and it works every time. You could even argue it provides the second of rest you need in the midst of a stressful lap.

Some details on the boat elevator.


This elevator is faster, smoother and far more consistent than any other elevator used (working seamlessly / the first time more than 99.5% of the time) and doesn’t at all make the track feel like it stops to make you go upwards, like a Slimeblock elevator would. Additionally: It gives the freedom of verticality to the track designer.

It works by using the way boats interact with water whilst falling, to push it up every time it hits one of the water pillars, so make sure the boat is falling when it hits the first water pillar, if you make one yourself, otherwise it will not work.

This works in every single version of Minecraft upwards from 1.9

The Boat-racing track as boat racing track is designed by Egeau and Tomvanwijnen, with the slightest of help from Mr_TJN, who did a lot of testing. The aestethics are by Egeau, with some help from CaptainFantasy.

The project has now also been completed in survival minecraft! Come visit it on residence 5333 on the Empire Minecraft Server :-)

The world has been last opened in minecraft 1.12.2.

Enjoy :)
Progress100% complete

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01/13/2020 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Romuux's Avatar
That map is magic and great to play ! Thanks u :3
12/23/2019 9:42 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
Expressso's Avatar
This is awesome!
12/24/2019 9:41 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Buildteam_Rubberduck's Avatar
Thanks :)
11/16/2019 11:22 am
Level 44 : Master Mage
vintageblocks's Avatar
nice design!
11/16/2019 11:30 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Buildteam_Rubberduck's Avatar
Thank you :)
