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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Large city which includes the following structures:
  - apartment houses
  - skyscrapers
  - shopping mall
  - school
  - fire station  
  - police station
  - hotel
  - park
  - supermarket
  - town hall
  - suburban houses
  - gas stations
  - hospital
(Every structure contains a fully furnished interior)
Available for both Bedrock and Java edition.

You can access all of my creations by being my patron on Patreon.
(2 new builds/month)

I am a freelancer builder with many years of experience.
If you are interested in a custom build/commission, feel free to contact me on Fiverr.
I am also available on discord: Matevagyok#1856
Progress100% complete

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12/27/2024 9:30 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
I have the map but a friend spawned somewhere else and now we can't get back to the main area, what's the coors for the actual city?
12/29/2024 4:23 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Hi, you can find it on: -1500 100 -800.
