Minecraft Maps / Complex

City of Atlas: The Barracks

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Level 21 : Expert Geek
Hello, minecrafters. This one of my projects I have, but this one will be the first online on the web. I have only used INVedit to build this. It was build somewhere last year. In march to summer. I did not had mods and had a hard time to build myself up with dirt blocks :). Right now I have mods and I decided as I use sometimes inspirations from this site to give something back. I have been building on a city which is in the similar style of my main building. The Barracks. I call it the barracks because as you can see. Its one big building of stone. And around the stone there are small buildings from wood. I have been inspired by Shipwreck Cove from PotC. Also one main building being upgraded by wood piece by piece. Time over time. What makes my Tower different then others is that its not hollow. Inside it there are around 100 rooms or more. The rooms inside are all build in with benches, bookcases, chests. The whole thing is pretty big and it includes an arena, an dungeon, and Markman hall. I have only a couple of pics. But I will post more and more if I people see some interest in it. Sorry for my bad english, I'm foreign.

Additional Notes

INVedit only + Flatgrass 64 High, If I would have the idea tot start off from -64 I would do that but I've been building on this 2 weeks after I bought minecraft Beta. Never played Alpha
Progress55% complete

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11/03/2011 7:48 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Not bad! I will be looking for your other uploads of this series.
09/28/2011 12:54 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Wizard
nice :)
09/04/2011 3:04 pm
Level 46 : Master Enderdragon
!!! I do the same thing! (INVEDIT)
08/29/2011 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
that looks realy cool, will it be part of a series that you upload?
09/05/2011 8:08 am
Level 21 : Expert Geek
Yep :)
