Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

City of Mordone *Real-life Server*

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The Gentleman Builder's Avatar The Gentleman Builder
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Hey Guys,
My name is Duncan, also known as DuncanBuilder.
This server, what started as a single Build (Trainstation) for PMC, is a huge city which will be a Real-life server with plugins for just everything you can imagine. In fact, everything you can doe in the real world will be possible in the server which will make it one of the biggest Real-life servers yet to come.

This server is based of Dutch cities which are Amsterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht and Rotterdam It has also some Europian and American based destricts as well. There are also some well known builds in the city as the Notre Dame, the Falcon towers and the great American financial Building of Cincinatti Ohio. These are just some of the famous builds which will be encluded whithin the city (you can leave some suggestions down below)

the City will have some different destricts:
- Old Centrum
- Financial Destrict
- Industrial Destrict
- High tech Industrial
- Normal living neighbourhoods
- Rich villa destrict
- Beach
- and a lot more!!!

We can always use some more Builders Which can be building at the server.
If you're interested in this project and you want to participate with it, please send me an email to duncanbuildermail@gmail.com with the following information:
-3 different styles (modern and/or 19th century)
Hopefully I'll see a message from you soon ;)

- This Project is lead by me, But is also an official Biofrost project, which is a Dutch Buildingteam, and it's hosted by TitansHosting. The host and the co host are both the developers on this project.
- All of the Plugins are specially custom made for this project. The map itself is also a 100% unique and we want to keep it that way so that this server can give you the extreme unique feeling you've never feeled before.
- This project consists out of 2 servers at the moment, one is for the city itself, the onther for the development of brand new plugins which are gonna be used in the release.

Thx for looking at this post
I really apreciate it and so does my team. We are having a lot of fun Building this for you guys and I really can't wait untill it's done and finally joinable for the Real-life players And for now... Have fun at following the progress.


Follow the project:
Youtube list: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrI2O6uU1hRZru57TgykZUv4teZ7pu97o
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DuncanBuilder

These people are helping me out:
-DuncanBuilder (Biofrost)
-Etholdir/Edeldier (Biofrost)
-3m13l (Biofrost)
-Accelion (Biofrost)
-Warriorkeppi (Biofrost)
-Platjeplatvis2 (Biofrost)

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-Firewristle (TitansHosting)
-1Robbie2 (TitansHosting)
Progress10% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by The Gentleman Builder 11/13/2015 2:48:57 amNov 13th, 2015

We are Growing !!

Well... actually, I am still 1,9 metres tall but I was talking about mordone ; )
We are working on it for almost two months now... and the progress is insane
and soon you will see this city on Youtube. it's gonna be revieuwd by myself on my own channel. by some friends on another one and and this city will be used in a Roleplay series on the Dutch channel Edeldier (I am hyped ^^)


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02/10/2016 3:35 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Ladybug
nannehessel's Avatar
Hey, is it possible to help? :D it i realy cool!
The Gentleman Builder
02/10/2016 5:29 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
The Gentleman Builder's Avatar
it's possible,

just send me an email atDuncanBuildermail@gmail.com with the following information

country your living in
3 screens of modern or 19th/20th century buildings
in game name
real name

this information will also be in the video on Etholdir in about two weeks ;)
11/12/2015 10:07 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
ElrymerBuildteam's Avatar
This looks really interesting good work
10/28/2015 10:15 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
warriorkeppi's Avatar
Very naaaaz!
10/27/2015 5:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
FireWristle's Avatar
Very nice project :)
10/22/2015 8:21 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Steve
StevenWay's Avatar
I like your level of detail :)
10/22/2015 5:28 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect
Xoyjaz's Avatar
Very detailed and well thought out as I am seeing from the pictures. Amazing creativity!
The Gentleman Builder
10/23/2015 2:13 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
The Gentleman Builder's Avatar
haah thx, what you see is just a small bit of the center itself, you can follow progress etc on my twitter and at the Dynmap.And this is just the center, after that we will open the server for economics, minigames in the city and alot more. 

in the meantime the city will grow, but the center is the main goal for now
10/15/2015 10:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Joachiem's Avatar
Wow this lookst great.. I realy can't wait for more pictures :D
10/13/2015 9:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Alferias32's Avatar
That Lantaarnpaaltje is a great builder :P
