Minecraft Maps / Other

Coral ridge schematics for WorldPainter

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
Some large coral ridge schematics for WorldPainter.

The flipped ones are specifically for custom cave ceiling layers. Don't try and use them in any other way or they'll look stupid.

I recommend these settings:

  • Collide with: nothing
  • Height above terrain: -20
  • Random y variation: 40
  • Sparseness: between 110 and 150
  • Spawn under water (duh)
They can be a bit tricky to use but they look great when you get them right. I recommend combining them with other coral schematic packs for the floor (as I did in the screenshot) for some really fantastic looking coral ridges.

Some of the corals are made with green and orange terracotta for some colour variety. Otherwise everything is "vanilla".


You can use these for private, public or commercial use. Please give credit if using for public or commercial use.

You may not remix or republish these schematics as your own, but you may use them in projects you make available with due credit.

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Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Schematics now fixed : by Dannypan 08/09/2023 5:18:54 amAug 9th, 2023

The original versions of these were bugged and could not be exported with WorldPainter. This has now been fixed - please redownload the pack to use these with WorldPainter!

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01/04/2024 7:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Amazing work, thank you!
