Minecraft Maps / Other

Creative city flat world dump 1of2

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Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect Cat
My smaller world for creative experimentation with world edit and city building.
Creative city flatworld 2

Interlace stacked apartments from this world:
25 | The Interlace stacked apartment complex [download 1.8+] Minecraft Map (planetminecraft.com)

Glass+stone modern apartments from world:
24 | Glass+Stone modern apartment complex [download 1.8+] Minecraft Map (planetminecraft.com)

Etc. Builder's Refuge 1.12

Welcome to the flatworld

Have a look around
Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found
We've got mountains of buildings
Some better, some worse
If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first
Progress100% complete

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