Minecraft Maps / Other

Deadpool in One Command

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Mario102300's Avatar Mario102300
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
THE COMMAND:  http://pastebin.com/w8KKHPxQ


Here is Deadpool in One Command, a Vanilla Minecraft creation!

Deadpool is a popular Marvel superhero who's trademark abilties include regenration, superhuman strength, superhuman agility, and talking a lot. He is commonly referred to as the merc with the mouth because he is a mercanary who almost never stops talking. 

The structure you build to make this is somewhat specific. You place an armor stand at any position anywhere in the world, then place diamond blocks east and west of the armor stand. Then place iron blocks north and south of the armor stand. Red stained glass goes on top of the diamond blocks and black stained clay goes on top of the iron blocks. Then place an obsidian block on top and voila! This gfy shows it off if in the very beginning if you are unsure on how to build it: 

In Minecraft, Deadpool has a lot of the same abilities. Once you build the structure, you get regeneration, speed, resistance, haste, saturation and a wither effect. The wither does nothing but be annoying and it goes away once you put on the suit. He is also given two items: a katana and a gun. The katana is a sword hat Deadpool commonly uses, and he also uses a gun. Also, his most IMPORTANT nad iconic ability is here too, and that is his nonstop chatter. He will say random things, and there are a lot of comic references and nods. The language used is adult language, so if you are under 12 you should probably not use this.

Tell me if there are any quirks and bugs with the system, and I'll be right on it. Thanks for using this!

THE COMMAND:  http://pastebin.com/w8KKHPxQ
Progress100% complete

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10/09/2018 11:05 am
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