Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

"Death Swap" in 1.9 recreated (it will be in one command later, it is still in beta, I need like 5 pairs of testers, that can play together on a server ofc)

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Level 17 : Journeyman System
Hello, MCBatmanTheKid here, and today I have recreated SetBling's survival, kinda puzzle mini-game, "Death Swap", only this time, it is in 1.9 (madde in 15w47c)

How does this work?
So, how does this work, you probably wonder, well it is made of 5 main parts (each part represented by carpets):
- white: randomizer
- orange: swapping
- dark blue: starting
- black: ending
- yellow: prize, reward for the winner (you'll get it after like 2 mins)

P.S. power the impulse command block to add objectives and other things, if something doesn't work just reply to this project
It should randomize one of 7 armorstands every 20 secs, so that means that you can swap only 20 secs after one swap (minimum)
How to join?
For now type the command:
/scoreboard players tag @p add DSwap1
to play as player 1
/scoreboard players tag @p add DSwap2
to play as player 2

P.S. if there are more than one player with each tag machine won't work properlly

If you guys want more creations "Death Swap" in 1.9 recreated (it will be in one command later, it is still in beta, I need like 5 pairs of testers, that can play together on a server ofc) Minecraft Mapthe project. 

Tell me in the comments what you want to see next :)

To join a beta testing team reply to this project, you can come in pair or you can match with someone else, tell me who your pair is and please test as soon as you can on your server, you can invite me if you want :)

0/5 pairs of beta testers
CreditSethBling, creator of original mini-game
Progress75% complete

2 Update Logs

25.11.2015 10:45 CET : by MCBatmanTheKid 11/25/2015 4:46:35 amNov 25th, 2015

Quick update
 -starting system
    fixed: now properly says who is player 1 and who is player 2

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