Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

[Deep Application] ft Vubervos: EXODE:B-259

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_Killerack_'s Avatar _Killerack_
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer

-EXODE-B259: Exploration Station

in collaboration with Vubervos

Vubervos= Station/organic/builds.

_Killerack_=Terraforming/worldmachine voxel/environement/tree/vegetation.


The Earth has undergone important attack, the human beings were on a mission to find new planets. EXODUS is the company managing this enormous project of the conquest of the universe. Every planet has a name, now we are located on planet B259 with the station EXODE-B259. This station has a different purpose than the other stations to find various materials and bacteria to create new remedies for new diseases contracted by humanity. This planet has a luxurious appearance is not ment to stay on for a long time because it effects the human being, this effect is a mission of simple appearance that met a failure on the human being.During the administration of a vaccine against a new disease, a man was taken by an animal and began to be transform into a new human being... A group of people where in charge of transporting the man in a cave and locking him inside the cave so that he could not harm the research work. This cave has naturall power or at least an inexplicable psychic strength coming from the red crystals which prevented " the man " from escaping.


La Terre ayant subis d'importants dommages , les humains furent dans l'obligation de trouver de nouvelles planètes. EXODE est la compagnie dirigeant cet énorme projet de conquête de l'univers.
chaque planètes a un nom, aujourd'hui nous nous retrouvons sur la planète B259 grâce a la station EXODE-B259. cette station a pour but différent des autres stations de trouver différents matériaux et bactéries afin de créer de nouveaux remèdes face aux nouvelles maladies contractées par l'humanité . Cette planète étant d'apparence somptueuse ne l'es pas rester longtemps a cause de l'humain, En effect cette mission d'apparence simple a rencontrée un échec sur l'humain. Lors de l'administration d'un vaccin contre une nouvelle maladie, un homme fut pris de pulsion animal et commença petit a petit a se transformer en un nouvel être vivant... Un groupe d'hommes fut chargés de transporter l'homme dans une grotte et de l'enfermer afin qu'il ne puisse pas porter préjudice aux travaux de recherches. Cette grotte a eu naturellement un pouvoir ou du moins une force psychique inexplicable venant de cristaux rouges qui empêcha "l'homme" de s'échapper.

Build credit: Vubervos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vubervos_mc
PMC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/vubervos/
Portfolio with HD render: https://imgur.com/a/SaLhD

---------------A huge thanks to all the render maker!!!

Render Credit:
Antrelial: https://twitter.com/Antrelial
Iskillia: https://twitter.com/Iskillia
Lukasz: https://twitter.com/Lukaszz__?s=09
ThomasEsc: https://twitter.com/TheMrPinguin_
Timothy c.: https://twitter.com/Kryiie?s=09
D34D: https://twitter.com/D34D_MC
Turnip-Nose: https://twitter.com/Turnip_N0se?s=09
Casey: https://twitter.com/CaseyMcNomNom?s=09
KRYPPT: https://twitter.com/Kryppt
Hylarion: https://twitter.com/HylarionMC
FallenArchangel: https://twitter.com/FallenArchMc
Demonic: https://twitter.com/DemonicBZH

Progress100% complete

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04/18/2019 12:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mikefettig321's Avatar
This is amazing looking. Can you tell me how you created the laser beam?
10/31/2018 6:26 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
The good stuff!
07/25/2018 7:24 pm
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
CraftyMiner1971's Avatar
I love the look of this build! Excellent work, Killer! Is it available to view on BR?
02/27/2018 2:45 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Aurora_Blast's Avatar
Omg this looks like a planet from star wars!! Very well done!! You did an absolute amazing job, just like on all yall's other maps!!!
03/01/2018 1:08 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
_Killerack_'s Avatar
thank you
12/17/2017 6:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Erina_Quinn's Avatar
Holy shoot how is that even minecraft?! o0o
03/01/2018 1:08 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
_Killerack_'s Avatar
09/13/2017 11:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
aquabatty33's Avatar
So where is the download?
09/14/2017 5:04 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
_Killerack_'s Avatar
no download because you can t run the map in solo
01/15/2019 8:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
aquabatty33's Avatar
oh, i see
