Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Display counter and memory array (programable)! [Redstone][Piston][Complex]

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CastleCorp's Avatar CastleCorp
Level 54 : Grandmaster Programmer
I have been working on this project for a while, and I hope that you enjoy it.
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1/17/13 - Made the display larger and also made it out of lamps. Easier to see, also smaller wiring in the back. Much more compact!

What it is:

This is a memory array, which sends data to a 7-segment display. Right now, when you turn it on, it will rotate through numbers 0-9. This is good for a counter of any type, for things like redstone games, servers, arena's ect. It is possible to reprogram it with your own data, but make sure to read the section below, and that you know what you are doing before attempting this. You may use this on servers, builds, and other stuff, as long as you give me credit for it, and, if you post a build with this involved in any way, please put a link back to this page in the write-up. For more information on use of this project in other project, please see the licensing information below.
Long version
This is a 10 memory array, which is simply another word for a place to hold data. This memory array is attached to a 7-segment (aka digital display). Each bit of information is an input for one segment of the seven segment display. when there is a solid block (wool, in this case) on the input, then that piece of the display is pulled in, forming the numbers. When there is a non-solid block, which doesn't transmit redstone currents, (in this case glass), then that piece of the display is pushed out. The memory array rotates, either automatically on a circuit, or manually. When the array rotates, it switch it to the next line of code.This is a 10 memory array, which is simply another word for a place to hold data. This memory array is attached to a 7-segment (aka digital display). Each bit of information is an input for one segment of the seven segment display. when there is a solid block (wool, in this case) on the input, then that piece of the display is pulled in, forming the numbers. When there is a non-solid block, which doesn't transmit redstone currents, (in this case glass), then that piece of the display is pushed out. The memory array rotates, either automatically on a circuit, or manually. When the array rotates, it switch it to the next line of code. When this happens, the number being displayed rotates. In this download, it is programmed to count from 0-9. If you understand the concept and are experienced in redstone, then feel free to reprogram it, but make sure you know what you are doing first! The pattern for all of the numbers is laid out to the side for reference. See the pictures for visuals of the project, if that will help you to understand it more.

How to use:
After downloading and installing this map, follow these simple instructions:
  1. When you spawn, please read all of the signs.
  2. To begin cycling through numbers, go to the flashing redstone circuit, and destroy the sign that says "Put redstone here for rotating counter". Put redstone wire down where the sign was.
  3. Go to the front and watch the screen as the numbers change.
  4. To manually cycle through numbers, go to the blue wool with the sign on top and push the button once. This will cycle the numbers once.

Thanks for all the support! Diamonds, favorites and subscribers are VERY much appreciated!


Creative Commons License
Memory array and display counter by CastleCorp is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/piston-memory-array-how-to-build-a-redstone-clock/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.mediafire.com/?5rcegz3pwyul0ns.

For more about licensing and use, go HERE!

Additional Notes

Hope you like it!
Please diamond, favorite and subscribe!
Progress90% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by CastleCorp 01/17/2013 8:52:14 pmJan 17th, 2013

fixed a glitch with the display. new pictures too!

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