Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Dynamic Tower, Dubai

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Deimux537's Avatar Deimux537
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Dynamic Tower, Dubai Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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12/28/2020 3:36 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
zyrtekyt's Avatar
Download please
08/24/2018 8:29 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
britons's Avatar
Gj on your building! Would you be interested in playing in our game, WGR (World Globe Roleplay)? It's a game played a server with an IRL map. Players that join choose a country out of the map and 'roleplay' with other countries. Countries can go to war with each other, trade, form alliances, etc. We require building a city and building an army to fuel your country. We have 9 countries, 13 members as of now, and we'd love to increase our population. Thanks!

08/25/2018 11:20 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Deimux537's Avatar
Thanks! Thanks for invitation. But at this moment I am busy, maybe next time :)
08/13/2018 7:58 am
Level 40 : Master Poro
Lillabele's Avatar

personally i think this looks rather nice in the first render but these contest arent based on renders they judge you on the ingame look of the build. originality is one of the judging criteria for this contest and i dont think youll score all too highly in that as youve used a direct reference for the main part of this build

thats my initial thoughts on the build but i do have a few other things that i personally think you could add/improve on to help with this build

- a few extra tree models as it looks like youve used just the one model for all of them

- some variation in the texture of the grass using blocks such as green concrete powder, grass path or lime wool would add some extra detail, but not just using //replace for it, youd need to take some time and think out the pattern for it too look good and make sense and not look lazy

- using darker/lighter block palettes on different layers of the building would help add some more detail to it as a whole imo

- some smaller builds in the vicinity would help make the build not look so empty in parts aswell as make the build a little more dynamic

- a smaller island or two close to the main one would add an extra element to the build aswell

Ill be completely honest i only wrote all this up cos i was bored as hell and idk this build looked okay and has potential and as a builder i like helping others in the community improve and polish their skills

08/13/2018 1:33 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Dragon Artist
Roman_95's Avatar
One or two renderers are allowed, just do not add a lot of special effects
08/15/2018 1:55 am
Level 40 : Master Poro
Lillabele's Avatar
never said they weren't allowed, they just aren't taken into account when judging the overall look of the build
08/13/2018 11:31 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Deimux537's Avatar
Thanks for those tips. I will test out a bit more with this building...
