Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Ecera - 1.17 - RPG - 5k x 5k

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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Vampire
Map Name: Ecera
Size: 5k x 5k
Version:1.17 and above


-Different biome types and forests
-Slime Caves
-Honey Caves
-Dwarven Caves
-Ice Caves
-Amethyst Caves
-Prismarine Caves
-Mesa Caves
-Desert Caves
-Nether Caves
-Volcanic Caves
-Berries, Bamboo, Kelp, and seagrass
-Coral Reefs
-1.17 Blocks
-Copper Ore Generation Underground

Made by worldpainter

Available to download
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Terms of use:

-You are not allowed to claim this as your own or sell it.
-You can use this mao for a server as long as you credit me.
Progress100% complete

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02/25/2023 3:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hi, i don't know if you're still making terrain content, but i just had some thoughts abt this map, even if it was made ages ago. i really like the graduating from snow, packed ice, deepslate, to blackstone thats found in the snow biomes. i wish there were more resources and attention as to how to do that. really wish more terrain artists did something like that.

i think the mushroom forest and especially desert are underwhelming. wish there were more biomes all around instead the 2-3 being locked to their continent. smaller rivers that inject into the main landmass would really be nice too. i like that the mountains in each region are distinct from each other. i really enjoy the form of the transitions from flatter land and biome to the mountains, but it definitely feels like there should be more detail into the mountainsides before it meets grass and vegetation.

thanks :]
08/24/2021 10:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Does this map have structures?
07/26/2021 12:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Do you have a patreon I would love to support your channel
