Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Epic Piston Lighthouse - Download

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Driscj's Avatar Driscj
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
A more epic approach than my previous lighthouse designs. Enjoy!

Video of the lighthouse at night: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAmN8L1is78
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Driscj 10/19/2011 12:59:28 pmOct 19th, 2011

- Nighttime video added.

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12/23/2012 6:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Phawk's Avatar
How do I turni the lights on?
07/12/2012 3:43 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Shyno85's Avatar
Is it cool if i use your lighthouse in my current build? i'll credit you in the post and on th LH itself
07/02/2012 5:47 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
redrexrazor's Avatar
i coverd mine up w/ a outer layer of a swirly red and whight look =D
06/21/2012 4:35 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
lord_tomahawk's Avatar
put the zip file in
02/15/2012 2:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Strawberry
Epideme90's Avatar
Hi Driscj - I noticed a problem - the lighthouse only does a single pass through, when the circuit around the entry hole is on, the current stays on, so it never turns off ,and stops after a single pass. Effectively this needs AC... it needs to be turning on and off constantly after each pass through
02/15/2012 2:15 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Strawberry
Epideme90's Avatar
I Seemed to have fixed it - For anyone else having issues:
a)to turn it on there is a lever on the side of the hole to get to the top of the lighthouse (where the redstone is)
b)If it doesn't turn on at first, break the redstone by the lever, that will execute a single pass through
c)Whilst it's doing it's single pass, place a piece of redstone behind the second repeat of the set of 3 repeaters to the right on the circuit right in front of you.
The alteration should look like this now: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/109/77168285.jpg/

Note i have no idea how robust this fix it, all i know is on mine i have spinny lights and i intend to leave it that way - im not sure you could turn it on off easily, but it'll do for now.
02/15/2012 2:18 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Strawberry
Epideme90's Avatar
Nevermind - this makes some of the timings slightly off, so on occasion one set of pistons goes up at the same time some go down, but i'm not good enough to fix that :P

But great build, but i will save my diamond until it is definitely working.
02/15/2012 2:41 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Strawberry
Epideme90's Avatar
Fixed the timings now - works as intended :) If anyone is having trouble PM me - and i will explain. In short: you need to have 2 repeaters on that side i altered, which means sacrificing an on/off switch - but this can be effectively acheived by shorting one of the piston circuits to the middle circuit for a second then destroy the link, this will feed power in, which will then continue perpetually.
01/16/2012 1:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ouzokiller's Avatar
I can't turn it on!
02/15/2012 3:09 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Strawberry
Epideme90's Avatar
See my comment above ^^ :)
